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Sporting Achievements Archery - ABA and 3D Nationals for 2022. Held at Wide Bay Archers Inc. in Hervey Bay over the Easter weekend.


Lachlan Results: 

In the ABA competition

 * 2nd  for Junior Bowhunter unlimited in his grade and 3rd overall for his age group

In the 3D Competition

* 1st for Junior Bowhunter unlimited in his grade and 2nd overall for his age group

In the Knife and Axe throwing competition

* 2nd In Junior Axe

* 1st In Junior Knife


Douglas Results

In the 3D competition

* 1st for Cubs modern longbow (3D) In the Knife and Axe Competition

* 1st for Junior Axe

Pastoral Care round robin activites on Thursday, 28th April


Year 7 Drama students presenting their play


A performance of the Stations of the Cross


This is going to look great in our school yard. Well done VET Building students!


Our Year 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews in Term 1


Students working collaboratively in class.