Wellbeing & Community Hub

Trish Lloyd

Please enjoy these Community Hub photos from our Playgroup, English and Computer Classes.  Please come and join in the fun and learning.

Community Hub – Term 2


Programs Begin Wednesday 27th April, 2022 in our wonderful Community Hub, located behind our Chapel.

  • Sing and Grow, a fantastic music program for parents and children aged 0-5, will be held every Tuesday at 10:00am
  • Coffee and Chat is on every Tuesday from 2:30pm - 3:30pm
  • English Classes are every Wednesday from 9:30am - 11:30am 
  • Computer classes are every Thursday from 9:30am - 11:30am
  • Playgroup is every Friday from 9:15am - 10:45am for parents and children aged 0-5 years

 Our community hub is open to everyone in our community so feel free to bring along your family and friends! Everything is free and our hub is a great way for everyone to share, learn and connect. This will benefit your child's education in such a positive way!


Email Trish Lloyd to enrol in any or all programs plloyd@sttcbourne.catholic.edu.au

Remember, everything is completely FREE!



The Fathering Project

The important role of stepfathers


This month we are focussing on dads and the diverse roles they have, and this week we are shining a light on stepfathers. 

For anyone who is becoming, or currently a stepfather, knows it's a unique experience with its own challenges and transition period that can take some time. Being patient is key – the benefits and impact on the child make it well worth it. 

Take the time to really connect with your stepchild and go at their pace, take it slow, and build the rapport with them.


Top tips to build connection 

1. Take your stepchild on a ‘dad date’. Have them choose something they are interested in and spend some one on one time together. This shows them you value their time and are really wanting to get to know them. 

2. Take it slow. Good things come to those who wait! Take things at a pace that suits your stepchild. Some children might take a little longer to warm to you than others. 

3. Build trust. Trust is the foundation to any solid relationship. Be reliable, open and honest with them. Engage in open conversation to hear their perspectives, thoughts and opinions on the situation.  Use the link to read more https://send.hellostarfish.com/t/r-l-tyxdidy-l-h/


Practising positivity with your child

During uncertainty and challenging times, remaining positive helps your child to stay optimisitic and highlights the need to try and stay  positive even when it seems challenging to do so. Practise these eight positive sayings. Use the link to read more https://send.hellostarfish.com/t/r-l-tyxdidy-l-k/


Make a lamington cheesecake with Cameron

Cameron has whipped up an 'aussie' cheesecake by combining it with an aussie favourite, lamingtons! Getting in the kitchen and cooking with kids is a great way to bond. Try giving this tasty concoction a go over the weekend!  Use the link to watch more https://send.hellostarfish.com/t/r-l-tyxdidy-l-u/


Podcast: Advice for raising children with autism

Clinical psychologist, Jeroen Decates provides us with his expertise of raising children on the autism spectrum. With over 45 years experience he provides fathers and parents with some invaluable advice and insights. Use the link to hear more https://send.hellostarfish.com/t/r-l-tyxdidy-l-m/