On the 28th of June, Sharon Linsell and I travelled just over 16,000kms to Germany with 10 of our lovely Year 10, 11 and 12 students. We arrived early Thursday morning (German time) and were met by host families at the airport who transported us to Hermann-Voss Realschule in Wipperfürth. This is the school with which we have established a strong connection and hope that we can host some of their students this year and next. While we travelled throughout Germany – from Cologne to Füssen to Munich and then on to Dresden and Berlin – students encountered the friendly people, the amazing food and the rich culture and history that Germany has to offer. As teachers, Miss Linsell and I were witness to the development of new friendships and maturity in our students as well as great personal growth through the experiences at the places we visited. In hopes that we build strong relationships with our sister school in Germany and assist in developing global understanding of our students, we hope to have another Study Tour in 2018. The view of the teacher always seems a little exaggerated, so here are a few words from our Study Tour Alumni:
Having the opportunity to travel to Germany with my school at my age was too amazing to even express in words. The memories I have collected of beautiful cathedrals, breathtaking sceneries and mouth-watering cuisine has already got me wishing I was back. I can’t narrow the trip down to one favourite thing as it was all simply amazing but some of my favourite things were the view of the Neuschwanstein Castle near Füssen, the view of Köln from the top of the Kölner Dom and the beautiful rebuilt churches and buildings in Dresden. Overall, going to Germany was an opportunity I am forever grateful for and I could not recommend going enough. - Jess Pettigrove, Year 11
Personally, I had the greatest experience with my host family. They welcomed us with open arms and spoilt both Brittany and I so much. I can honestly say that I made lifelong friends with Ellen and Lars, our host siblings. Although it was sad to leave them, the rest of our journey was mind blowing with the amount of extraordinary foods I tried, and the sites I saw. My favourite place was probably the Kölner Dom which is a big cathedral in Cologne. Although it was a fair hike up to the top, the view was unforgettable! Füssen was a really beautiful and peaceful place that we also visited! We were even lucky enough to swim in the lake on the edge of the Alps, which was again, another great experience! Another awesome thing that we got to do was travel to Austria for a day, which was absolutely stunning. The small town we visited, Salzburg, was picture perfect and was really lovely to walk around and experience. I feel extremely lucky to have been given this opportunity! I mean, who would think that 10 kids as young as 15-18 from Cranbourne would be traveling all the way to Germany! We owe the biggest thanks to Miss Kuli who spent so much time and effort planning this trip for us! And another huge thanks to Miss Linsell for coming along and being a great support! I will definitely miss all the great food, and just in general the awesome German culture! What an amazing experience! Can’t wait to go back in the future!
Kristin Waller, Year 11
Germany was a trip that changed my life. The people and the entire country was amazingly welcoming and kind to all who went. It has taught me the importance of seeing more than our small town. Alexander Smith, Year 12
The trip was amazing and a great experience. All the site seeing we did was beautiful, different yet similar to Australia. I learnt so much about the history and culture of Germany, and everything I learnt and saw made me realise how huge and awesome the world is. It also made me extremely grateful that I was given the opportunity to go on the trip, to the other side of the world, where I got to meet some fantastic people and make awesome friends. It was a trip of a lifetime that I’ll always treasure. - Jasmine Weldon, Year 10
No doubt those that went will remember not only the generous hospitality of their host families but also have a deeper appreciation of German culture and a broader view of the world around them. It is hoped that we can continue to grow this program to provide this unique opportunity to future students. If you are able to host a student (aged around 15 years) from Hermann-Voss Realschule in the coming year (December 2017 or mid 2018) please email me at your earliest convenience ( Also, please keep an eye out for information sessions about a Study Tour for 2018.
I would like to thank the students, staff and parents who have shown great support of the students who travelled to Germany and of the program itself.
Lena Kuligowska
Head of German