What a DAY!!!!

  A message from the Instrumental teachers and organisers of the Outdoor Room Extravaganza;

We would like to say a big thank you to our incredible music students who performed on the bill yesterday. We are beyond ecstatic and absolutely blown away by your performances. We are so proud of you for all the work, dedication to your craft and enormous effort to be the best you could be on the day. You rose to the occasion!! You have really made us feel so inspired and encouraged to be the best we can possibly be as your teachers. You make all of our efforts here in the music department so worthwhile and so rewarding. We will be having a little gathering in the next week or so to debrief and connect with you after such a huge effort. Stay tuned for this. You are all legends and we can't wait to do some more music together. To the amazing teachers at this school who stepped up and got us through at the most important times. We can't thank you enough and we want to get together in the coming weeks to debrief with you too. Thank you to all the amazing parents who helped volunteer on the day and on the days leading up to the event. Thank you to everyone who took part! Ross Wilson had such a great time, so much so that he said to me "Let's do this again next year!" So well done everyone!!



A few of the many wonderful letters and messages received from the community following The Outdoor Concert;

Hi Lisa,

I just spotted your email via compass I thought this would be the easier way to pass on all my videos.  Can I just say this concert for us was the highlight of our year??? I’d even go as far to say decade!! No exaggeration!! It was honestly just so amazing hearing these iconic Australian rock legends in what felt like our very own backyard.  We just can’t imagine how hard it must have been pulling off EVERY FACET of this whole event, the effort on your part is just astonishing. Truly remarkable. Our School is INCREDIBLY lucky to have such a passionate and dedicated music teacher!

Can I just say on a personal note too that it meant the world to my husband who just ADORES Ross Wilson! He said he hasn’t enjoyed music in this way for over 10 years, it’s a very long story but he suffers from Meniere’s disease and has lost all hearing in his right ear and half in his left. He wears a cochlear implant and has avoided concerts as they sound distorted and too loud. For a music lover, it’s been heartbreaking. But I dragged him along hoping this would be the one time he could enjoy it without it being ‘too loud’ and he came right there in front of stage with me dancing and singing along in the rain, it just bought tears to my eyes.

We have been talking about it all week. Loved every single minute!! You’ll have to excuse the personal focus on my husband singing in some of the videos.  I just hope the money raised matches the effort you put in!! I’m sure the school community will be only too glad to continue supporting this cause to reach the target.

Lisa I’d love to find out, will the annual building fund donation go towards the outdoor room? I’d like to contribute more in next year’s fees.  It would be good to find out if funds will be allocated to it.

From a Year 7 mum who would like to remain anonymous for the privacy of her family.


You don’t know me, I’m a former student of Cheltenham. I just want to take a moment to thank you. As someone who has suffered severe depression from 14 and still battle it today, as someone who is a suicide attempt survivor, thank you for raising awareness.  I’ve buried too many friends to this illness and seeing schools finally take it seriously and raise awareness, especially the school I was so proud to attend until I left in year 11 due to family issues, it means a lot, so year, thank you.

Anonymous due to privacy reasons.

Hi Lisa

I just wanted to drop a quick note to you to congratulate you and the team on yesterday's massive effort.

It was exactly right what the marvellous Kate said last night.  It doesn't matter what else is happening - music brings us together.  Being front of stage for these amazing & giving artists was a treat.  Dancing & singing in the rain not only with my friends but with my teenage son made memories of a life time.  

I hope that it was a successful day for the objective of the event.  And although it takes so much work, I'd love to see something like this become a regular event at Chelt.  Although its my last year at the school I'd be there every time it was held!!

Hope you get some rest and recovery and all the very best for the future of music at Chelt.  You guys are doing amazing stuff with these students.

Warm regards,

Caroline Boucher

(Darius' mum)


What an amazing day supporting Cheltenham Secondary College at the Outdoor Room Extravaganza. Being an ex student and my 3 kids also attended Chelt, this was close to my heart.

Even the rain couldn’t put a dampener on this amazing line up. Thanks for letting us be a part of this great event!

Love and Sparkles

Reflections of Light


Jack Throssell;

Thank you for introducing me to so many amazing musician this last week. I am forever grateful.


Ross Wilson right after walking off stage and into the green room, “That was great fun! Let’s do it again next year!!”


A full list of prizes will is available at the college.

Macaid.com.auiPad$1,000 Hazel Declase
St Kilda FCA New Era Snapback Cap personally signed by Jarryn Geary, including a Certificate of Authenticity, valued at $50, 2 x 2020 St Kilda Football Club Home Game Memberships$486 Tony
Rock Academy PAGE 6Workshop Voucher$450 Eden Ta
Pilates Plus PAGE 31 hour Consult 4 x Studio Pilates Classes$250 Samantha Sims
ABS MoorabbinGeneral car service by ABSAUTO.COM.AU$220 Matt Swales
Yamaha Key BoardKeyboard$220


Shellie Ryan
Emporor Champagne PAGE 6Bottle Champagne & Glasses$173 Karl Younes
The Skin Boutique PAGE 4Lux LED Facial + Samples$169


Paula Neilson
Endota Spa Southland PAGE 3Voucher$125 Francine
TFL Massage1 Hr Massage$120% T. O'Hara
Practically FitPT Sessions$1202 x 1hr sessionsSandy Hope
Practically FitPT Sessions$1202 x 1hr sessionsJackie Baker
Practically FitPT Sessions$1202 x 1hr sessionsEmma Sydney
Practically FitSwing Train Voucher$755 Class PassDez
Practically FitSwing Train Voucher$755 Class PassMax Wilton
Practically FitSwing Train Voucher$755 Class PassAmber Gieleit
Practically FitSwing Train Voucher$755 Class PassEmma Oz
Practically FitSwing Train Voucher$755 Class PassBernadette Hunter