School Council 

Dear Parents, 


At the recent Victorian Principal Association conference, our principal Simon McGlade, was awarded the 2022 Bank First VPA Study Award.  This award was presented to Simon by the president of the VPA Andrew Dalgleish, alongside Stephen Fraser Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education, and others. This award allows for the recipient to travel to other jurisdictions to investigate challenges and successes of other schools. Having discussed this with Simon, he hopes to investigate schools in Western Australia who are further along their IDEAS journey than we are, and to use this information to assist us with our IDEAS journey here at Mackellar.  Well done Simon and we cannot wait to hear more. 

It was such a pleasure recently to have representatives of the Junior School Council approach us and request our support to have the 'Sunsquirt' dispensers installed throughout the school. This demonstrated such initiative and consideration that the school council was only too pleased to offer whatever help we could.  Just in time also as the weather, ever so slowly, starts to heat up. Well done Junior School Council. You are certainly displaying our school values of Learning, Respect and Teamwork. For parents with children who have allergies or sensitive skin, the ingredients of the sunscreen to be used can be accessed below via the QR code.


Recently we held the second of our Parent Forums which will help inform our school review occurring in term one, 2023.  Having a parent voice for the future direction of the school is so important and there were some wonderful suggestions put forward as well as affirmation of many of the processes and programs we already have in place.  A very big thank you to those who participated in the online version in term three, and to those who participated in the face to face version last week. Of course, these forums could have only operated with the support and dedication of the members of our Education sub-committee who did an outstanding job.




Vince Scarfo

School Council President