SAPSASA Girls Football
On Friday of week 5, our SAPSASA Girls Football team went down to Argana Park to play in the Para Districts Football Carnival.
Our girls fought hard and represented the school well but were defeated by stronger teams on the day. Everyone appeared to enjoy themselves and should be proud of the way they gave it a go. Well done, girls!
Thank you to Mr Smith for coaching, Miss Courtney for supporting and the parent volunteers who supported the team on the day; Kathryn Walsh & Karen Nichol.
Crows Cup
Our Year 5-6 girls competed for the Crows Cup at Central District oval in week 8. We represented our school extremely well throughout the day.
We won four games in total, which put us into the Grand Final! Sadly we had a loss, but all of us still played our hearts out. All of us were still extremely proud of our efforts to come that far and to have won 4 out of 5 games.
A big thank you to our coach Mr Smith, we couldn’t have done it without you! Also thank you to the parents and the parent volunteers who supported us throughout the day; Miss Courtney & Kathryn Walsh. One last thank you to all the players who did their absolute best on the field. We thank you guys so much.
Mahlee and Delaney - Crows Cup footy team members.
Tag Rugby Carnival
Our Year 5/6 students participated in a Tag Rugby clinic run by the NRL and in week 9 we took 5 teams to the SAPSASA Tag Rugby Carnival. Our GPS Boys Team 1 placed 1st and our Greenwith Girls Team 1 placed 2nd.
Congratulations to the following students who displayed excellent sportsmanship and team values at the carnival and were awarded the Sports Person Award medal for their team: Ethan D, Liam I, Patrick MH, Elise L and Madison C.
Thank you to Brayden Martin, Angus Green and volunteer-trained parents Stephanie Zajax, Rachel Hartwell and Lorenna Williams for coaching teams.
Congratulations to Harry, Domenic, Stephanie, Layla & Sophia on being selected for SAPSASA District Soccer teams. The competition took place in week 5.