5/6 News

We have had an extremely busy start to term 4 with so many different and exciting activities going on in the senior school. The students have been amazing at challenging themselves in many different areas as we charge towards the end of the year. We congratulate our grade 6 students on the wonderful example they are setting the rest of the school and its been great to see the year 5 students start to step into those roles at the start of their leadership program. We look forward to a wonderful Term 4 with so many exciting opportunities ahead. 



The students have been diving into financial maths as they learn about money, budgets, needs and wants, percentages, tax and GST. The students used a number of these skills when creating there stalls for the Vinnies sleep out.  It was great for students using their learning to apply the skills needed to run a store. We thank you for your amazing donations and time spent to help this be a really work while learning for our students. The students have continued to revise lessons so we are preparing for assessments at the end of year. 



To start this term we have been reading our class novel. Holes is a 1998 young adult book written by Louis Sachar. The book centres  on Stanley Yelnats, who is sent to Camp Green Lake, a correctional boot camp in a desert in Texas, after being falsely accused of theft. The plot explores the history of the area and how the actions of several characters in the past have affected Stanley's life in the present. These interconnecting stories touch on themes such as racism, homelessness and illiteracy.


It has been amazing to see the students apply their learning to different english skills. As the term goes on we will be doing different literacy circle activities  which roles 


Summarizer: Your job is to prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. Your group discussion will start with your 1-2 minute statement that covers the key points, main highlights, and general idea of today’s reading assignment.


Questioner/Discussion Director: Your job is to develop a list of questions that your group might want to discuss about this part of the book. Don’t worry about the small details; your task is to help people talk over the big ideas in the reading and share their reactions. Usually the best discussion questions come from your own thoughts, feelings, and concerns as you read. You can list them below during or after your reading. You may also use some of the general questions below to develop topics to your group.


Connector: Your job is to find connections between the book and you, and between the book and the wider world. Consider the list below when you make your connections.


Illustrator: Good readers make pictures in their minds as they read. This is a chance to share some of your own images and visions. Draw some kind of picture related to the reading you have just done


Literary Luminary: Your job is to locate a few special sections or quotations in the text for your group to talk over. The idea is to help people go back to some especially interesting, powerful, funny, puzzling, or important sections of the reading and think about them more carefully.

Leadership Program 

​​Young Leaders


The Grade 5's have started their "young leaders" program in class, in preparation for Grade 6 in 2023. At Sacred Heart we expect all students to be leaders in Grade 6 and all students will be taking on extra responsibilities throughout the year. This program will be focusing on the skills, values and attitudes needed for effective student leadership. It aims to maximise students' leadership potential and effectiveness by focusing on the following leadership habits of the mind:

1. Speak Up

2. Step Up

3. Have a Go

4. Think Team

5. Show the Way


This program will explore the concepts of:

  • What makes a good leader
  • Organisational and team skills
  • Encouraging and problem solving

At the end of the program the students will apply for the captaincy roles that they believe they have the skill set to make a difference in. Students who are unsuccessful in their application will be placed as part of a leadership team, to help captains with organising and encouraging student involvement throughout the school.

Year 6 Transition 

Our Grade 6 students have been doing transition into secondary lessons with Mr Brown and Miss Healey using the Hero's Journey structure of story telling, to identify what changes could happen over the next 6 months. It was a great chance for the students to talk about some of their worries, but also things they were looking forward to. We will continue to work with the students as we head towards graduation. Here is some information regarding transition from Beyond Blue.


At around the same time as the move to secondary school, children experience biological and emotional changes as they go through puberty. 


The physical, social and emotional changes associated with puberty have a strong effect on children and young people’s relationships with friends, families and educators. This period of adolescent development is also related to emotions and behaviours that can lead to difficulties at school.


The timing of puberty at around the same time as the move to secondary school can make this a particularly demanding transition for some young people.


Children often have strong feelings about moving into secondary school. They may feel excitement about the prospect of going to a new school, as well as nervousness about what lies ahead. 

Many children may also feel sad or angry about leaving their current school and the positive relationships they’ve established with educators and friends. Common concerns include:

  • losing old friends and making new friends
  • being bullied
  • getting lost and getting to class on time
  • remembering what books and other equipment is needed for each class
  • following a timetable
  • dealing with different educators
  • homework.

Some warning signs that children may be experiencing difficulty include:

  • withdrawal or difficulty participating in class discussions
  • exhibiting low confidence or self-esteem
  • increased avoidance of tasks
  • having a short temper or behavioural outbursts
  • difficulties with maintaining friendships 
  • being socially isolated.

Vinnies Sleep Out

The sleep out was held on 6th of October. We were privileged enough to have some Mini Vinnies staff come and speak to us about some of the stories and incidents that they have helped build up . They filmed  a video for the Minnie Vinnies website, asking lots questions about what homelessness looks to us. They did eye opening activities which helped us better understand how lucky and  grateful we should be for all the things we have.


The experience overall was great, but some grade 6s were a bit disappointed because it started to rain, so we had to sleep inside the hall with the big double doors open. The next morning everyone was so tired. The sleep out helped us understand that it's not just someone dodgy or someone who has an addiction that can become homeless, it can happen to anyone.


Some of the activities we did were a little bit challenging and some made us almost cry. The activities helped us a lot to put ourselves in a homeless person's situation. 

So today, take some time out of your day to realise how lucky we are to have what we have and what we don’t have. Don't take your life for advantage because sometimes bad things can happen to us. 


Thank you for reading this piece. We hope it sparks a idea in your mind to realise we are lucky enough to even have a roof over our head. 




Ella and Elodie. 

Year 6 students


Religious Education

We have been looking and the below scriptures and looking for the messages the stories may tell. 

What can I create? 

David and Goliath 

What's the bible reference? 

What's the meaning in the story? 

What lessons can we learn? 

How could you use this story in your life? 

How can we Recontexualise the story? 

How is this related to our lives? 


Create an art poster/piece that relates to the story and tells the story. 

Wedding Feast of Cana 

Tell the story in your own words. 

Where do we see miracles in our lives? 

Did this story really happen? 

What message can we get from the story? 


Create a comic strip of the story. 

Your choice of actual story or recontexualised story.

The widow’s offering (Mark 12: 41–44)

Write out the bible verse word for word 

Do you like this story? 

Where might you see this in your life? 

Has this ever happened to you? 

In your life…..

Who is the widow? 

Who is the rich man? 

How would you teach this to preps? 



Day for Daniel 

On Monday we  had a Day for Daniel. This is day about keeping kids safe and how it is everyones job in the community. We acknowledged this day by wearing red which is a special colour for the foundation. When we got to school we had a special assembly organised by Mr Brown. He spoke about who we can go to when we feel uncomfortable, unsafe or if we just need to talk to someone. When we got back to class we did activities and made hands with the names of the people we can talk to.


  • In Miss Healy’s classroom we talked about bullying.
  • Mr Blake was doing some scenarios about bullying.
  • Mrs McKay was doing some safe and unsafe situations.
  • Mr Brown was doing, how to stay safe.


By Eloise Tuohey, Scarlett Withington and Stevie King 

Year 5 Students 




Simon Brown on behalf of  

The Senior Team