
0ne-two-rful 1/2s

Term 4 Week 1 2022 - Friday 14th October



What have we been up to? 


It has been great to have everyone back at school after a restful two weeks Sharpening Our Saws. Students have enjoyed returning to school, seeing their friends and embracing new learning opportunities. In Reading over the first two weeks of Term 4, students have been investigating fiction and non-fiction texts. In particular, they have been exploring the different structures that each text type uses and the way each text type serves its own unique purpose. This term we have begun exploring Explanation texts and how they can be used to share information about a specific topic. In Writing, we have also connected our Mentor Texts (High quality Picture story books) to our new Inquiry topic which invites the students to investigate what is special about Australia and the world beyond our shores. In Science, students have begun investigating the different forces that exist and how those different objects can move. Maths, has allowed the students to explore Data. They have looked at what data is, how to collect it and then the different graphs they can use to present their findings. They asked their peers a number of questions to see what they liked and disliked and then used their information to create a graph.


What’s coming up next?


In Reading, students will continue to develop their comprehension skills with a specific focus on how to find information within non-fiction texts. Students will be supported to plan out what information needs to be included in a retell and use these strategies to tell a comprehensive without teacher support.



In Writing, students are working towards writing their first published explanation text on their own topic. With the support and modelling from teachers students will be guided through what needs to be included in each part of an explanation text. They will also be supported to use Microsoft Word to publish their own texts and develop their ICT skills at the same time.



In Maths, students will begin to explore area. They will look at what it is and how to measure it. They will use formal and informal units. They will also practise addition, subtraction, division and multiplication strategies weekly to help them achieve their academic and class WIGS which are also linked to Maths.


Inquiry & Science

In Inquiry, students will continue to explore landmarks and what makes Australia special. The will look at famous Indigenous landmarks and then begin to explore landmarks around the world. In Science, students will continue to explore forces. They will look at chain reactions and how forces cause change. 





Here are some photo highlights from the fortnight that was! 




Important reminders:

  • Please remember to pack your Spelling Homework books in your bag every Monday and bring your readers to school every day. 


  • Please remember to bring your hats next term. 


  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.


  • Don’t forget to return your Scienceworks permission slips and make payments ASAP. If you need any assistance please see Mrs Sheppard at the office 😊


  • Specialist Days - Monday - Health, Art/Cultural Studies & Music   Wednesday - PE & Art/Cultural Studies