Art /Cultural/ Music / PE & Health 

Specialist News 



PE and Health

In PE for the first two weeks of Term 4, students in all classes have been learning and developing their skills and understandings of the game of Badminton. The Prep to year 4 students started with small balloons to develop their skills as it is much easier to develop their skills using a slower moving balloon to practice technique than going straight into using a Shuttlecock which can be quite hard to hit. 

In week one the focus was on the grip of the racquet and using both forehand and backhand shots. In week two the focus was on foot work, moving sideways and backwards in an efficient and effective sliding motion to be able to cover the court with ease and balance to be able to hit the shuttlecock. 

Students have thoroughly enjoyed this fast and exciting game and it has been great to see students develop their skills and confidence using a badminton racquet to hit the shuttlecock, which can be quite tricky. 




In Health, students in all year levels have been introduced to the 5 healthy food groups and the foods that they should eat regularly to have a healthy and active lifestyle. The focus for all levels was on ‘GO FOODS’, which are the grain foods and cereals, providing our bodies with Carbohydrates and Fibre to provide the energy for our bodies to move and our brains to focus and concentrate. It was stressed how important breakfast was for our brains to concentrate and focus for good learning. The fibre helps our body’s digestive system so we can go to the toilet regularly.

We also looked at ‘GLOW FOODS’ which include the vegetables and fruits to provide important vitamins and minerals for us to be healthy and look energised. Finally the last food were the ‘GROW FOODS’ which are the meat and dairy foods providing us with protein for our muscles to develop and help us grow big and strong.

Classes were also shown a video on the digestive system through, which clearly explained the way our food is broken down in our bodies so we can get all the essential nutrients we need to be healthy, strong and active.

Bike Education

Starting in week 3 students in grades 3-6 will participate in a Bike Education program. Students will bring their bikes to school and learn about the different parts of their bike and how to look after them and then they will learn how to ride their bike safely on footpaths and roads in the community. They will start on the netball courts next to the school and graduate to riding on the footpaths, oval and roads around the school. 

It is a fun program that all of the students are really looking forward to.

This program is not about teaching students how to ride a bike, but more about riding safely in their neighbourhood.

So for students in Prep to grade 2, you are encouraged to learn how to ride a bike so that when you get to grade 3 or 4 you are able to participate in in their program.


Jarrod Bradley

PE/Health/Sports Coordinator





Visual Arts


This week in Visual Arts, students explored sculpturing techniques and skills using air-drying clay. They used the art elements of form, shape, texture and colour. Students were given the time to manipulate the clay by moulding it by rolling it, pinching it, squeezing it, pushing and pulling it into the various shapes. 


Foundation students created a textured fish clay art piece by rolling clay into a ball, then using a rolling pin to make a flat circle. They added texture to their clay by gently pressing various stencils onto their clay piece which created the body of the fish. Students then learnt joining techniques to add the eyes, mouth and fins to their fish body. 


Year 1/2 students created a textured bird wall hanging clay art piece by rolling clay into a ball and using a rolling pin to make a flat circle. They then added texture to their clay by gently pressing various stencils onto their clay piece, which created the body of the bird. Students then revised joining techniques to add the eyes, a beak and wings to their bird body. Once the clay was dry students were able to add bright, beautiful colours to their clay piece by painting it.  


Years 3,4,5 & 6 students had the choice of three different clay art pieces. A stack of pancakes using the coil pot technique, a cupcake pot using the pinch pot technique and/or a texture letter plaque wall hanging using the slab technique. Once students had completed sculpting their air-drying clay art piece, they were able to create their own unique clay artwork using various skills and techniques that they have explored and learnt. 





Culture Studies 


Last week in Culture Studies, all students completed their inspired by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art pieces from the end of Term 3. 


Foundation and year 1/2 students completed their hand and boomerang art piece by cutting out either their hand or boomerang shape and pasting it onto a coloured backing paper ready for display. 


Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students finished their wall hanging art piece by attaching string to their wood and leaf designs and tying it to a stick making a handle. Each one looks unique and fantastic and is for display. 



