Fabulous 5/6 

Grade 5/6

Term 3 Week 4 


Message from the Teacher:

We have had a great start back into Term 4. Even though Mister D. is away (and rightfully so as he is looking after his new baby) and Sam is on placement, and both are sorely missed, the kids have come back motivated and ready to learn. We have had the wonderful Miss Jackson in our room to help out whilst Mister D. is gone and have already had a lot of fun. 


What we have been learning:

  • In Writing, we have been looking at Poetry and the students have come up with some very creative ones! So far, we have learnt about limericks, ballads and general rhyming poems.


  • In Reading, we have had some fun with interesting words in different types of texts. We also have been solving the Wordle online every day together which has been great for our vocabulary. 


  • In Maths, our weeks have been taken over by percentages. The students have successfully been taught how to put percentages into decimals, and how to get percentages from full numbers. We also surveyed our class on various questions and put our answers into percentages. 


  • In Inquiry, pairs of students have created amazing posters about our solar system. We ended up showing and presenting these posters to our buddies in Kindergarten which was great fun! We also watched a movie on the moon landing.



Other news: 

The year is quickly coming to an end and the grade 6s are getting so excited for their graduation. It will be sad to see them go, but we will make the absolute most of our last weeks all together in our awesome 56 classroom. 


Mister D. is still on leave for one more week; you will hear from him in the next newsletter.


Reminder: hats (bucket or wide brim) must be worn at all times when outside in term 4. Kids should also apply sunscreen before coming to school. 


Wishing everybody a great weekend!


Miss Jackson and Miss Anna