Fantastic 3/4

Year 3/4 

Week 2, Term 4

Welcome back to Term 3! We hope you all had a lovely holiday and break. We are so excited to have the students back with us after their holiday. The 3/4 teachers have heard such lovely stories about what they did and are looking forward to having a wonderful term full of vitality and new learnings.


 What have we been up to?

In reading, we have started Term 4 by looking at a bunch of different descriptive texts. In writing, the students have applied their knowledge of descriptive texts and applied it to articles talking about the Philip Island penguin parade. The children have been super excited and engaged discussing this topic. 

In Maths, students have been learning about shapes. We have focused on 2D and 3D shapes. The students have been working on what 2D and 3D shapes we can see in our daily life, how 3D shapes are formed and being mentally challenged working on open-ended tasks using their shape knowledge.  

In Science, our focus for Term 4 is Space. The students will be looking at Earth and Space sciences that explore the concept that Earth is part of a planet system that orbits around a star (the sun). Students will be working on a project based on a topic of their choice revolving around the different planets.

In Inquiry, students will be investigating brain, body and life choices. This unit  focuses on the human body; its uniqueness and what is needed to keep it healthy. Students will also be exploring civics and citizenship. In this unit students will develop questions about the society they live in. They will also look at different information to determine what is fact and opinion to help answer their questions.



Just a few reminders for students and parents: 

  • Bike Ed program will be beginning in Week 4. More information to come. 
  • Hats are needed to be worn in Term 4. All students must have a hat during term 4 otherwise they will play in the shade.

Here are some photos of what we have been up to over the last two weeks: