Physical Education and Sports

'Healthy body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Heart.'

Sport News - October 2022

Southern Peninsula Division Athletics 

The Southern Peninsula Division Athletics Carnival was held on Tuesday the 4th of October. Our Lady of Fatima had four representatives this year;

Luke C - Triple Jump

Elizabeth McK - Long Jump

Evia S - 1500m

Henry J - Shot Put

This Division Carnival brings together all competitors that progressed from their District Athletics. The four Districts are Philllip District, Mt Eliza District, Crib Point District and Mornington District. 

Well done, we are all very proud of your efforts!


VicHealth’s Walk to School Campaign

Every October, Walk to School encourages Victorian primary school kids to walk, ride or scoot to and from school. It’s a great way to help students learn healthy habits and achieve the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity, every day.

We will be running ‘Walking Buses’ on the following dates in October;

Wednesday the 19th of October 

‘Walking Bus’ departing  from the Rosebud R.S.L at 8:15am 

Friday the 21st of October

‘Walking Bus’ departing from the Rosebud Shire Offices at 8:25am

Wednesday the 26th of October

‘Walking Bus’ departing from the Rosebud Library at 8:00am

Everybody is welcome to join us on the ‘Walk to School’ bus. 

Please respond to the Operoo notification and check the box for each walk your child will attend. I ask that each student has a parent attend to help supervise the walk. 

I look forward to seeing you on the ‘Walk to School’ bus in October! 


Dan Koole

Physical Education Teacher