Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Families,


Welcome to Term 4. This term is always the one where time flies, with every week full of new adventures and events. It is a time where our teachers, students and families know each other very well and student learning really takes off! It is also a time of preparation for next year. Your children will be involved in a range of tasks and testing to get to know them as learners and help prepare them for their next learning step. This is expecially important for our Year 6 students as they prepare for their big step to Year 7. 




Aborist works

After a long winter, it was time for a spring tidy up. Over the holidays the front garden was given a makeover to get rid of old trees and open up our garden and close buildings to the sunshine. It has made a BIG difference to our office, Prep and 3/4 classrooms already! Some old dead trees were also removed on the playground to keep our students safe too, although the local cockatoos are sad to lose their favourite perches. Keep watching our beautiful space for some exciting additions this term including new shade sails.



Over the holidays Beth Miller got married. When she returns next week we will welcome Mrs Willcourt! We wish Beth and her husband James every happiness.



Our parents are doing a superb job running the canteen. Today Voelcker is leaving Fatima and we thank him for his service. If you are keen to be part of the canteen or any part of school life please get in touch.


Guess How Many?

In Term 3, we ran a 'Guess how many smarties in the jar' competition. Astonishingly, there were 579 in the jar! Well done to Torsten in 3/4 for making the closest guess - just one number short.  


Go gently

Sarah McDermott :)

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