From the Principal
Welcome back to Term 4
It is great to see the students, parents and staff bouncing straight back into school for Term Four. We are looking forward to a busy term of learning with many exciting extra curricula activities happening throughout the term.
We have many exciting events to look forward to this term including:
- Pizza lunch
- Slime Fun Run Fundraiser
- Year 3 & 4 Camp
- Year 4 Bike Education Program
- Foundation – Year 6 Swimming Programs
- Music Soiree
- Year 6 Sports Round Robin Day
- Year 5 & 6 Hip Hop Incursion
- Whole School Community Christmas Concert
- Year 6 Graduation and Awards ceremony
- Meet 2023 Classmates and teacher
We have commenced our Foundation – Year 4 Swimming Program at Monash Aquatic Centre and this has started extremely well. This program will continue until Friday, 14th October.Our ‘Swimming / Water Safety Program’ for the Year 5 & 6 students will be held later in the term.
A highlight of Term Four is always the Year Six graduation and this is a very memorable event for all involved. We would like to thank the parents and staff that are working behind the scenes to ensure this event is one to remember.
We look forward to a great term.
Parent/Guardian/Carers survey results
Last term all Camelot Rise families were invited to participate in an online survey that covered a range of areas as outlined in the tables below. Thank you to the families who took the time to complete the DET online survey. Our school has received excellent feedback across many key areas and provides our staff assurance that our commitment to excellence and high standards is recognised and valued by our school community.
We are still unpacking a lot of the data we received but we would like to share with you some of the initial results with the community:
Community Engagement in Learning
Parent Community Engagement | % Positive responses |
I feel this school values parent/ caregiver/guardians’ contributions | 81% |
School Communication | 82% |
I am able to get the information I need through the school's regular communication channels | 83% |
I feel comfortable about approaching this school with any concerns I might have | 88% |
There is effective two-way communication between the teachers and parents/caregivers/guardians at this school | 81% |
School Ethos and Environment | % Positive responses |
General satisfaction | 90% |
Overall, I am satisfied with the education my child receives from this school | 90% |
This school always aims to improve the quality of education it provides | 81% |
School pride and confidence | 88% |
I feel confident that this school provides a good standard of education for my child | 88% |
Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Student Cognitive Engagement | % Positive responses |
High expectations for success | 86% |
Teachers at this school expect my child to do his/her best | 81% |
This school celebrates student achievements in all areas | 92% |
Teachers are enthusiastic and positive about teaching | 94% |
Positive climate for learning
Student Safety | % Positive responses |
Managing bullying | 82% |
My child feels safe at school | 92% |
Promoting positive behaviour | 84% |
This school has a consistent approach to promoting positive student behaviour | 85% |
Teachers at this school model positive behaviour | 83% |
Respect for diversty | 88% |
The school respects and values my family's beliefs and wishes | 90% |
This school communicates the importance of respecting all cultural beliefs and practices | 83% |
This school treats my child with respect | 92% |
Connection and Progression | % Positive responses |
School Connectedness | 92% |
My child feels accepted by other students at school | 90% |
My child enjoys the learning they do at school | 96% |
This school gives my child opportunities to participate in school activities | 92% |
Positive Transitions | 85% |
My child has been supported this year to adjust to his/her new year level | 92% |
Parent Contributions 2023
By the end of November, we will inform the school community of the Parent Payments for 2023. The Department of Education and Training has asked schools to itemise the payments (similar to what we did this year). The cost for Parent Payments is discussed and approved at our Finance and School Council meetings prior to being announced to the school community.
Are you leaving CRPS in 2023?
We ask that you let us know if you are moving or have enrolled to another school in 2023. We require this information as soon as possible to establish grade structures for the start of the new school year. If your child is currently in Grades Foundation – 5 and will not be at Camelot Rise in 2023 please notify the school office in writing as soon as possible.
Matt and Ben