What we've been up to...

Upper Primary 3
Upper Primary 3 entered a competition through Clever Patch for Save the Koala Month and luckily were runners up in the competition. The main part of their prize was being able to sponsor a Koala at Port Stephens Koala Hospital in NSW. The students chose a Koala named Maree from the animal hospital. They will receive updates about Maree in the coming months. This term Upper Primary 3 have been learning all about animals and this week have learnt and written about koala habitats, their features and the food they eat.
Well done Upper Primary 3!!
Colour Explosion Fun Run
Thank you to our P&C for organising and running the event!
School Support Staff Recognition Week
Thank you to our amazing RNSS Support Staff.
Thank you for being the front face of our school, managing our technology and keeping our school grounds neat and tidy. We appreciate all the work you do and it does not go unnoticed. Thank you for being you!
RNSS has recently purchased a drone to use within the Technologies subject and in our other curriculum areas.
We can use the drone for curriculum and other school events and to promote the school.
Drones help to encourage the development of 21st-century skills. Having access to a drone will help students become sophisticated problem solvers and talented creative thinkers.
This semester in Technologies, with Mr Pyper, we have been exploring algorithms.
Later this semester, we will explore algorithms that are used to control and fly drone!
The Candy Bar
Thank you to local small business The Candy Bar for supporting senior secondary students completing a Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies. Students created an submitted advertisements for selection by business owner.
~ Created by Jakob