Principal's Report

Good afternoon everybody,
The end of term 3 came around very quickly and both staff and students are looking forward to a well deserved holiday break. During my learning walks over the past few weeks, I have seen outstanding work done by our students. They are specifically excelling in the specialist learning areas such as Art, Science, Technology and Performing Arts through hands on practical activities. The students are engaged in purposeful learning through Project Based Learning where they access deeper and transferrable learning opportunities. I want to thank all of our staff for their hard work. They dedicate hours to research and planning to ensure every student make progress in their learning. Additionally, teachers need to approve every child’s ICP in their classroom and they are not able to do so without a conversation with you. We weren’t able to contact some parents, so please contact your child’s teacher if you have not yet had a discussion about your child’s ICP.
This term we celebrated World Teacher Aides’ and School Support Staff Day. A special thank you to our amazing staff that go above and beyond to show our school values of Care, Courage and Cooperation to every student they work with. As a school community we value and appreciate your support for our students.
Thank you to our parents who have already completed the Community Engagement survey. If you have not done so already, could you please complete this by following the link:
Our community voice is important to us and will inform how we connect with you. The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete.
Our new facilities are progressing and we should have a new carpark early Term 4. The commencement of our double storey building will begin shortly, between the current administration and the library. We appreciate your patience as access and drop off’s will change going forward, but we are excited to see the end result of this project and the enhancements it makes to our learning environment.
Our Spring Vacation will commence on Saturday the 17th of September and learning for Term Four commences on Tuesday the 4th of October.
Please travel safely if you are going away and have a restful holiday with family and friends.
I am looking forward to be working alongside you again next term.
Warm regards,