Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you to the Year 6 committee for putting on a fantastic Disco recently. The students really enjoyed it! A great deal of work went into preparing and running this event. Thank you to Shelley, Jo and the large team who put it together.

Our appreciation also goes out to the P&C fundraising team who organised the food for the Open Evening and setting up the undercover area. Thank you to everyone who donated food for this event. It was very much appreciated.

Parent support for events like this as well as recent help on our PP and year 1 excursions helps provide great experiences for our students.

All the best to the P&C who have again put together a memorable Quiz Night that will be held at the Hilton Bowling Club on Saturday night!


CONGRATULATIONS to our Interschool Athletics squad who were successful in winning the Athletics shield again this year for our school. Led by our year 6 students everyone representing our school were great ambassadors. Well done also to all of our students who received medallions for being an age group or runner up champion! Our thanks to Mrs Foster, our Physical Education specialist, who trained up the group before school and during recesses.


It was wonderful to see a large number of families and former students who were able to come along to our Open Night. Thank you to our staff for working with their students to put on a display of activities that they have been undertaking. The scholastic Book Fair was coordinated by Mrs Colkin, set up by Mrs Wylie and run by two of our ex-students, Ava and Rosie. Thank you for those of you who gifted $250 worth of books to the Library and due to the volume of sales a further $850 worth of books have been donated to the library, much to the excitement of Ms Gray our Library officer. 

Our singers and pianists did a great job getting up and performing in front of an audience. Thank you to Mr Kaloczy for his encouragement of our talented musicians.


Thank you to Ms Carere, Ms Richards, Mrs Colkin and Ms Wilkins who organised excursions to the Landsdale farm school or the bus trip to the Fremantle library. Our PP and year 1 students very much enjoyed the visit.


Students from rooms 7 and 8 prepared some wonderful food under the direction of the Foodbank-Food Sensations team recently. This incursion looked at preparing healthy eating recipes. After all of their hard work, the two classes could eat their creations!



It was great to see so much support for our Edu-Dance arts program. This has commenced and will go for 9 weeks.

At the end of term there will be a 45-minute concert where, all of the students will present their dance item.



All the best to Bev our canteen manageress who has been unwell recently.


The coin donations received from students for the Free Dress day at the end of term went to the charity: Australian Wildlife Conservancy. A total of $217.35 was raised. Thank you for your support.


Currently signage is being made up for our oval letting people know that the area is now closed to dog walkers between 7:30am-5:30pm due the oval being used by various groups. This follows up from our email at the end of term regarding dogs at pick up/drop off times. Thank you for your understanding with this.


After clearing much of our lost property, it has begun to collect again. This box can be found outside the Music room on most days. It has been great to see an increase in labelled clothing which has helped us find their owners.


Each year the School Board, as part of their role, reviews and approves the following year’s contributions and charges. We have included this for your information. There are three parts to the Voluntary Contributions and Charges.

The first is the school voluntary contribution. Schools can only ask for a maximum of $60 per child each year. At White Gum Valley this is capped at $150 if there are three or more children in one family.

The second looks at the personal items booklist. Whilst we have a distributor that can be used by families, parents may decide to buy the items from other companies. After a staff review, the 2023 booklists range from $99.60 to $137.15 depending on the year level, if all of the items are bought.

The third area outlines the likely Charges during the year for a range of activities that the school may be involved in. The high cost of excursions is partly due to fuel costs and seat belted buses.


Currently the school is undertaking planning for 2023. If you may be moving out of the area and transferring schools could you send in a message to the office or to your child’s teacher?


Coming Up.

During week three we have a P&C meeting on Monday night from 7:00pm, Room 12 Assembly on Thursday and our October ‘Cycle/Walk/Scooter to school breakfast on Friday. The school ‘Your Move’ team will again have a raffle and there will be a snack in the undercover area for those students who were able to cycle, walk or scooter to school all or part of the way.

During week four we will acknowledge Italian and Outdoor classroom week, put on a STEM Expo and the first of our Artist in Residence workshops will commence.





Glenn Rondoni
