Principal Post

Dear Families

Thank you to everyone as we launch into Remote Learning 2.0! Your support in these challenging times is truly appreciated. 

The safety and wellbeing of our students staff and parents is of course our priority. Doing what is right in terms of restrictions and social distancing is  the responsibility of all. That way we are doing our best to get on top of this Pandemic in Victoria.


If your child is unwell in anyway please keep your child at home. 


We have about 57 students who are required to undertake their remote learning onsite. If your work situation changes and you are at home, your child must work from home. Please let us know if your circumstances change.    Our staff are rostered to work onsite throughout the Remote Learning period but in keeping with our responsibilities,  we are  are trying to limit our staffing each day to only those that are required. Staff when not onsite are working from home. 

When issues arise with the Remote Learning, please ensure that you communicate with your child's teacher as these occur, so they can be dealt with in a timely manner.  


I ask that everyone reads the email communications from school. That way we are all on the same page!  



You will have received an email from the school in relation to Face Coverings. 

Parents/carers will be required to wear face coverings whenever they leave the house, including for school drop-off and pick-up.These measures will slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and help protect the community.

Students who attend primary school for onsite supervision will not be required to wear a face covering. Students who are aged 12 by Year 6 will not be required to wear face coverings.

Financial Commitments- School Fees and Charges

Once again I remind families that should you be experiencing  any Financial hardship in relation to the payment of school fees/ levies,  it is crucial that you let us know your circumstance,  so we can discuss  and plan a manageable way forward. These discussions/ meetings are confidential. As always the school  wishes to be  supportive of genuine financial hardship.  

Communicating with us is an essential part of this process.


You can contact me via email on  

or our business manager Liz Szabo at

You can contact us by phone 8543 4444

Positive Behaviour Management Policy

We have been working on updating our Positive Behaviour Management Policy. I attach it here for you to read. It  will be on our Website under School/ Policies and Documentation tomorrow. 



School Review Closure Day 

Whilst the school Review will still take place beginning August 24th, we have postponed the school closure day which was to be  this Friday 24th July. Students who are coming to school for Remote Learning are able to do so.

The school will have a closure day to support Review preparation but given the COVID 19 situation and to support families, we didn't feel that this Friday was the best time to shut the school for our students. 


Staff are continuing to plan and prepare for the Review and we will let you know of our intention to hold a closure day when it finalised, taking into account our Community needs.


2021 Prep Interviews 

As part of the 2021 Prep transition process,  families with a 2021 Prep child will receive  a email with an attachment  for instructions to book a googlemeet. You will receive this from the office tomorrow. The meetings will take place next week and will be facilitated by a member of the Leadership Team. 

It would be important to have a parent and a child available for the meeting.  


eSafety Education

Parents can go to the  eSafety Website for information or to register for webinars. There is a webinar on online gaming TOMORROW.

Go also to to  Register 

Webinars: Thursday 23rd  July 12:30pm and again 28th July  at 7:30pm