Literacy and Wellbeing

Reading and Writing Your Way to Better Mental Health

We are all acutely aware that wellbeing and mental health are critical during this period of time. Interestingly, one of the tools that can help us to improve mental health is reading and writing. 


Engaging in reading has many benefits for our wellbeing. It helps to develop empathy, build our vocabulary so we can express how we feel, prepares us for a good night’s sleep, and it exposes us to different perspectives. Reading can also allow us to feel safe and connected. 


Writing, on the other hand, can help us to process emotions, heal from trauma and allow us to feel heard. 


In light of this, there are some practical things that you and your children can do that utilise reading and writing as a way of promoting wellbeing. 


You could:

  • Read books with themes of hope, resilience and community. Some examples of online texts you could use include:

The Book of Hope

Mop Rides a Wave

Epic!Books Wellbeing Collection -St. Columba’s: Lots of book options!

Note: You will need to log in to Epic!Books using the class code: mii9718 and looking for your child’s name

  • Check out some child-friendly texts about the Coronavirus that explain what's happening in an age-appropriate manner. Some examples can be found below:

Coronavirus: A Book for Children

My Hero is You,%20Storybook%20for%20Children%20on%20COVID-19.pdf

Princess in Black

  • Encourage your child to journal each day. They can write about their feelings and the things they have done throughout their day.
  • Have your child keep a daily gratitude journal. For this, the child just needs to note down three things they have been grateful for that day (for example, getting to eat their favourite food lasagne for dinner). This would also be done orally with younger children.