Drama and English

VCE Theatre Studiesclass will be performing ‘The Servant of Two Masters’
Last Tuesday saw great innovation from Darren Lowe’s VCE Theatre Studies class, performing ‘The Servant of Two Masters’ to a Facebook audience. Whilst I wasn’t able to watch the performance live, I have been reliably informed it drew a large online audience. Specific feedback I received from Darren included, “this allowed us to really experiment with the theatre technology component of the course, and in the end was a learning experience for all, at least the actors got to perform in the same space!” The performance can still be seen on Facebook, CSC Theatre Performance.
Daren Lowe
YEAR 8 English
Year 8s have produced some fantastic storyboards as part of their English 'Poetry and Grammar' unit. Here are a few excellent imaginative interpretations of the well-known nonsense poem 'Jabberwocky' by Lewis Carroll.
Sophie Jarvis, Zoe Vigor & Andrew Cockerall