Year 5/6FA

 Religion in 5/6FA

In Term 3 during remote learning children in 5 / 6 FA will be studying the scripture in Matthew’s Gospel- Chapter 25: Verses 31 – 40-’The Goat and the Sheep.’ Children will be reading the scripture and highlighting the key words and phrases that mean something to them. Children will also be given the context in which Jesus told the story and the significance of using goats and sheep in the scripture. After some more detailed discussion online, children will be asked to write in their own words, what they believe the scripture means to them and how it relates to their own life.


Below are some comments from 5 / 6 FA children about their impressions of learning scripture during remote learning.


‘I am going to enjoy learning about scripture because it lets me know how Jesus taught using stories.’ Kai


‘I am going to enjoy learning about scripture because we can learn about difficult words used in the bible.’  Jasmine