Years 7-9 Update
August 2020
Years 7-9 Update
August 2020
Year 9 students are expected to follow their normal time table and each have a schedule for the week. Webex discussions with teachers are now becoming the norm. The majority of students are dealing very effectively with the change and staff are always at hand to try to support and encourage those who are finding the routine and expectations less to their liking.
In one Maths class, students are currently doing patterns and algebra and we are working on how to explain our working out to others
Jessica remotely explains by video how to solve a number puzzle?
HASS - Citizenship, Diversity and Identity & Laws and Citizens
In term 3, students in year 7/8 are exploring Citizenship, Diversity and Identity & Laws and Citizens. To demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of this, students will work towards presenting their research and opinion on whether or not they believe Australia Day should be changed. Students will delve into Australian identity, culture, issues and differing perspectives.
So far students have explored their character strengths, values and the values they believe Australia holds. Students completed the VIA character strength survey. The VIA (Values in Action) survey identifies students strengths under 6 broad virtues. Through activities and tasks students will learn to strengthen these values and practice working on others. Exploring character strengths will help students to build stronger bonds with their peers and community.
Create a free account and find out your character strengths by completing the survey:
Looking at Character (Click to enlarge)
In summary
Through different topics, exercises, and activities the students will get to know themselves, their classmates, and others in the community. Students will:
Students have and will continue to investigate current ongoing issues that exist in Australia and around the world such as the Black Lives Matter movement, Plastic Free Products, Australia’s Financial Strain and COVID 19.
The topic has been incorporated in all areas of our curriculum to enable the students to dive deep into this topic to better their understanding and exposure. In English, students have analysed many articles, clips and texts, as well as dissecting a Visual Text (Red Dog/Rabbit Proof Fence), looking at perspectives and themes conveyed throughout Australia’s History.
Maths remote learning has been taking place and this short video shows an example of what this looks like in early secondary School.
In this picture it shows the group who are learning. Some are brave enough to show their faces! - including Mr Moran!
On behalf of all our teaching and support staff. Please spend time looking at the videos and pictures.