Years 10 to 12 Update
August 2020
Years 10 to 12 Update
August 2020
As mentioned in last newsletter the Year 10 Skyline application nominees have been continuing the Skyline process, with 16 interviews occurring over Zoom over 2 days this week. These panels involved students answering abstract questions designed to test their ability to explain both themselves and the world around them. Despite a lot of nerves from the group, all 16 students put their best foot toward, and offered great insight into their dreams, passions, goals, opinions, and views of the world, and represented Northern Bay College in a way that is an enormous credit to themselves and the people who work alongside them to continue to foster their abilities.”
Students were also asked to submit creative pieces to Skyline that represented who they are. Some of these are below – Jaxon Akhyar’s musical piece (the first time he has written, recorded, and edited a full piece! playing all instruments),
Shar'K Pru's creative fun piece where he (as adult interviewer) talks to Shark (the 16 year old 'dude') about his aspirations and future success. A great entertainer.
Other students chose Art to reflect their skills and passions and Zahra produced a pamphlet she has been working on.
This month all VCAL students completed Portfolio Presentations which is the major mid year assessment for VCAL.
This assessment is modelled on a job interview, giving students a real opportunity to practice the preparation, presentation and oral skills they need when going through a job application process. This day was a huge success, all students should be extremely proud of the effort they put in. It was great to hear the thorough reflections of the work they have completed so far this year and the goals they have set for themselves going forward.
The header on this page shows the format of the Interview.
One of the outstanding pieces of work presented was an expressive writing story for Year 12 Ash. Rather than just give an attachment to download we have given the piece its own page - you must read the message for our whole community.
Please check out Student Exemplar page
VCAL Student of the Month
Last newsletter there was a sneak peak at the amazing day of creative construction done by VCAL students the day before school closure / remote learning set in again.
Here is the full 2 minutes
Thank you students.
VCE Science experiments at home
As part of their studies in unit 2, students in year 11 Physics have been investigating the processes of forces and motion. One of the most important topics in year 11, students explore a wide range of concepts including vectors, equations and graphs of motion, momentum and energy associated with motion. While the move back to online learning has been challenging, students have still been able to complete experiments. Starting last Wednesday, students collected experiment kits and were able to conduct and share their experiment online using WebEx and Google tools.
Their first experiment was understanding Newton’s Laws of Motion by investigating the static and sliding friction of different masses. The students collected their data and shared the results and analysis in real-time using Google Sheets. Despite some technical hiccups to begin with, the students were all successful and able to learn the key concepts. This week, students have collected a second kit to investigate Hooke’s law and calculating the forces involved in springs.
VCE Business
Below are some concepts which students are coming up with as part of year 11 Business Management this term. Students are refininging these concepts, investigating customer needs, price points, and promotional strategies, all as part of the marketing inquiry SAC this term.