Registrar News

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, and stage 3 restrictions, our usual School Tour Mornings are postponed, however we are pleased to be able to provide you with a link to our Virtual Tour.


When using the Tour, the camera icons will take you to another part of the school and the “G” icons will show you some images of the facility in use and provide relevant information. There is also a drop-down menu of all the facilities in the tour which can be accessed via the “Girton Grammar Scenes” icon.


While you are welcome to go through the virtual tour yourself, you can also have a member of our Registry team give you a personally guided tour via phone, providing details that are pertinent to your child as well as answering any questions you might have.

To book a guided Virtual Tour, please email our Registrar, Mrs Alison Quick, or call during office hours on 03 5441 3114.


Online Open Evening – September 10, 7.00pm

You are invited to join us for an Online Opening Evening. Enjoy presentations from our Acting Head, Dr Emma O’Rielly and Head of Junior School, Mr Don Thompson. There will be a Q & A session with curriculum and student wellbeing leaders and students. We will also contact a guided virtual school tour.


The evening is obligation-free and will take place via Zoom. You can register your interest via our website or by emailing our Registrar at



If you have any queries please feel free to contact us either by email at or by phone on (03) 5441 3114.


Mrs Alison Quick                              Ms Erin Boyd

Registrar                                              Assistant Registrar