From the Director of Students

Mr Baldino Vetrano

Dear College community, 


The wellbeing of all our students is extremely important. The College takes great pride in providing students with opportunities to develop and enhance their social and emotional learning.  


The mental health support of our students continues to increase each year. Year Coordinators tailor specific programs to best assist our young men. St Greg’s has a variety of different programs that make up part of the Pastoral Care program. 


This year, Year 9 has been working closely with the Black Dog Institute.


Year 9 News

Mental health is such an important issue across all age groups and experiences of Mental Illness can have profound impacts on the wellbeing of young people. Mission Australia collaborates with the Black Dog Institute on the ‘Youth Mental Health Report’ which is conducted every 5 years. The report found that young people are at risk of serious mental illness; mental illness risk increases as adolescents age, becoming most prevalent in the older teen years; and the risk is greater in Indigenous groups. 

Throughout our Pastoral Care lessons this year there has been a strong focus on Mental Health. The boys have been engaging in a six-week online course titled ‘Bite Back’ which aims to help teenagers take control of their mental fitness.


The Bite Back Program aims to: 

Reduce stress. Improve focus. Expand potential.


Each week there are tips, information and weekly activities to help students on their journey. You can track your child’s progress through


The six focus areas include:

Week 1 - Gratitude 

Week 2 - Mindfulness 

Week 3 - Social Connections 

Week 4 - Strengths 

Week 5 - Meaning and Purpose 

Week 6 - Mental Fitness Plan 


Plus, every entrant has the chance to go into the draw to win a $250 voucher for their favourite brand! 


The online program concluded this week and students were scheduled to have a visit from Mitch at the Black Dog Institute to discuss the importance of developing good habits that can increase our mental fitness. Unfortunately, Mitch was unable to attend as he was unwell for the scheduled visit and the presentation is being rescheduled for later in the year.


If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, contact the following crisis services:

Emergency 000

Lifeline 13 11 14

Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

MensLine 1300 78 99 78

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467


Mr Daniel Goodhew, Year 9 Year Coordinator


Student Merit System UPDATE

Congratulations to Year 9 who lead the College with 5869 points!!!

  • 1st Year 9 on 5869 points
  • 2nd Year 7 on 5723 points
  • 3rd Year 8 on 5630 points
  • 4th Year 10 on 3874 points
  • 5th Year 11 on 3794 points
  • 6th Year 12 on 3484 points


Our top 10 students in each year group:

Year 7 



Year 8

Year 9 

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12


As we head towards the middle of the term, it is great to see the large number of students achieving BLUE, WHITE and MAROON merit milestones as they head towards a College Medallion.


Well done gentlemen.


Mr Baldino Vetrano

Director of Students