Year 9 News

Maddy McQueen & Joanne Merryfull | Year 9 Coordinators

Congratulations to everyone on the start to what has been a very busy Term 1 already!


SRC for 2023

We would like to acknowledge our 2023 SRC representatives. These students have either put their hand up or have been nominated by their peers to be the voice of Year 9 this year. It will be their responsibility to hear feedback from their peers in form group on what we can do to make the college a better place to be. Well done to all involved.


Charlotte Henwood

Hayley Toet

Julia Hastings


Layla Preston

Ashton Craig


Addison Walter

Jared Ferguson

Leni Hopper

Wynter James


Abigail Marra

Kiarra Baird


Annabelle Gregor

Benjamin Howell

Hanxi Wu


Claire Martin

Pippa Denham

Riley Reed


Harry Smith

Max Schultz


Phoebe Sudholz

Tanisk Kumar

Xander Purches

Value Awards 

Well done to the following three students who have received the most values for Term 1 so far – Lexy Wade, Zara Mills and Krystal Miller.


These three students have consistently displayed the College values of Care, Commitment, Collaboration and Character throughout the term - producing quality work such as sculptures in 3D art, dedication in making chicken parmas in cafe foods, and helping with the swimming sports. Well done to these 3 students.

General Reminders


NAPLAN will be starting this Wednesday 15th March. All students have been asked to please make sure they have a working device with the NAPLAN program installed, as well as headphones for this week and next week. If students don’t have either, then this equipment can be borrowed from the school.

School Photo Collection

Most students should have received their school photos in Form Group last week. If you are yet to receive yours or still need to collect family photos, please see your Form Group teacher in the Year 9 Office this week. 

Loaning sports equipment

Currently we only have a small amount of sports equipment to loan out from the Year 9 office, however we are looking to purchase some more. If you have any ideas of what sports equipment you would like, please send a Direqt Message to either Miss McQueen or Miss Merryfull. In the meantime, you are allowed to borrow sports equipment from the Year 10 office.


Out of Bounds Areas

A friendly reminder that the follow areas are out of bounds to all Year 9 students:

  • Bus shelters
  • Behind the metal shed
  • Year 7 lockers
  • Year 7 basketball courts
  • Oval (use Soccer Field instead)
  • Between Admin buildings

Checking notices/notice board

All Year 9 students have been told to view the whiteboard we have in the window of the Year 9 Office each morning. This will have different notices on it each day, and a list of student names that teacher’s need to see throughout that particular day - this could be due to a detention or another important reason/message.

Interim Reports

Teachers are currently completing student interim reports – Year 9 students please make sure you are doing all the right things in your classes and making sure you are catching up on completing any essential work for your classes. These reports will be released at the end of Week 7