

& Wellbeing

Melissa Twaddell, Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall & Liam Offer


There’s been some cooler days recently. As the weather cools, it is important to remember throughout Term 1 and Term 4 that Horsham College bucket hats are required to be worn during recess and lunch.


Even on the overcast days, the UV can be very high, so it is important that students wear their hats throughout the term - regardless of the temperature.


Young Mayors 

Last week, we had Beau Ladlow from the Foundation for Young Australians present to interested students about the Young Mayors program.  Students learnt about the program and how to nominate. If elected by their peers, young council members will work together with Horsham Rural City Council to implement projects and events and influence decisions that impact our community. All the best to those students who were nominated!


Sizzle and Splash 

Harmony Week 

We'll be celebrating Harmony Week from the 20th to the 26th of March 2023. Harmony Week promotes respect, inclusivity, and a sense of belonging for everyone. To celebrate, we will be having a student free dress day with a multicultural theme.


Year Level Camps

Year 7 - Camp to Grampians Retreat Dunkeld

Preliminary information went out last week to students about the year level camp scheduled for Wednesday 10th May – Friday 12th May (Term 2, Week 3). If you have any questions, please contact the Year 7 office.


Year 10 Semester 2 Camps

Information has now gone out via SEQTA and letter outlining the three options for the July Year 10 Camps. Please refer to the information that outlines deposits and approximate costs. If you have any questions, please contact the Year 10 office.