Student Academic Counsellor

Mrs Bonita O'Brien

Study and Homework

Sometimes we confuse these terms. Homework is work that a teacher sets for you to complete by a particular date or work that they had set in class that you did not complete. Study is work and/or questions that you can set for yourself that helps you have a better understanding of the content you have learnt. 

In years 7-9, taking 30min, 4 times a week, should be enough time to complete homework requirements.  However, many students will say, “I don’t have any homework” or “I finished everything in class”. This is when you can use that time to study. You can read through any notes that you took or were given in class. But remember, reading alone is not study; try the following:

  • As you read, add questions/comments about the information.
  • Write key words on index cards with the definition on the back and then test yourself or get someone else to test you
  •  Imagine that you are the teacher and create questions that show you understand the topic.
  • Explain what you have learnt to someone else – ask them the questions you have created to see if they understand what you have told them
  • Do practice questions
  • Do some preparation for the next day’s classes – go onto SEQTA or to textbook and see what topics are going to be covered next and have a brief look at them – then when you are shown them in class it will be much easier to approach the work because you have taken time to look over it. 

Bonita O’Brien – Student Academic Counsellor