Music News

Mr. Nick Shirrefs, Ms. Lauren Arnett & Mr Hugh Kirne

It’s Coming – the Music Department is on the move! Last week we got the go-ahead to move our Music Classroom from its current lodgings in A2, to our new-and-improved home in T3.

Our new Music classroom feels spacious and inviting for learning. Fresh carpets, lowered ceilings, shiny paint and a generous amount of power points for our keyboards and amps are all on offer in our new classroom. The room is acoustically treated with calming blue panelling to reduce noise and increase the clarity of instruments being played aloud. 

Adjoining the main classroom is three small practice rooms that allow students to do independent practice and to receive instrumental lessons, where they can play without fear of interrupting someone else’s’ jam session. Eventually you will find acoustic pianos in each climate-controlled practice room. Additionally, our special musical staff whiteboards will be mounted soon at the front of our classroom to convey our theory and aural work done during class. 

The process of moving is still ongoing – the Band Room and office/storage space are receiving their finishing touches, and when we are given the word, the second leg of our relocation operation shall commence. This will mean an exodus of instruments, filing cabinets, furniture and specialised equipment from our current Band Room in A1.

Recounting the extraordinary events of move no. 1 last Tuesday, an extra-special mention should go to Mr Nick Shirrefs, who so graciously organised a moving truck from Morrow Motor Group to allow the day to progress smoothly. On the contrary, the truck was rendered ultimately un-useful thanks to the previous night’s rain and a very soft lawn out the front of the College. The bogging and eventual freeing of said truck from the grass left a considerable “water feature” in the Baillie St lawn, and attracted quite the crowd of onlookers. The aforementioned Music students so kindly emptied the truck and within 20 minutes had moved its entire contents by hand across the school to T3. While the truck never actually moved anything, its lodgement in the lawn was a great homage to Morrow Motor Group, who so kindly provided and henceforth freed the truck from its predicament. Many thanks to Shannon Morrow.

Music students came in droves to help (and laugh), and their display of school values should be recognised. We saw the greatest examples of Collaboration, Care, Character and Commitment, and it was a joy to work with these students! Your help will most likely be required again when A1 is on the move (hopefully this time with an effective truck!).

-Lauren Arnett


New Classroom has had its first class! Yay!