'From the Lab'

Year 9 Crime Scene Investigation

The Year 9 CSI students undertook an investigation of a ‘Murder in M wing’ earlier this week. The students examined the eyewitness statement and police report, interviewed the eyewitness for further information and collated the physical evidence from the crime scene. The students approached the crime scene using ‘common approach paths’ and ensured they didn’t further contaminate the evidence during their investigation. The case is still open as they finalise their investigation, and write up a report of their findings. 

Year 9 Body in Motion 

Year 9 Body in Motion have been studying the musculoskeletal system and how muscles and joints work. As part of this unit students were challenged to create a mechanical hand using materials including straws, string, cardboard rolls and coffee cups.  The challenge was to create a hand that could successfully pick up a ping pong ball, a marble and a coffee mug.  Most students found this task to be engaging and attacked the problem from a variety of angles. Much time was spent on problem solving issues with design and getting the angles of the finger joints working in the correct direction. In the end only one group successfully managed to pick up the ball and a few tried to creatively pick up the mug.