
Community Mass

Next Thursday, 30 March, the readings of Palm Sunday will be proclaimed at the Community Liturgy, which will be prepared by Secondary students. Mass will commence at the usual time of 8:00am – and will be preceded by the blessing and procession of palms commencing at 7:30am in the Library Courtyard. This liturgy marks the entry of the College community into Holy Week. 


Thursday’s Mass is in lieu of Friday. There will be NO Community Mass next Friday, due to Student-Parent-Teacher Interviews.


All are welcome to our Community Liturgy, and to the Circle of Friends Café afterwards for coffee and conversation.


Community Mass details:

  • College Chapel
  • Fridays in term time
  • Starts: 8:00am and concludes 8:30am.

Next Week Thursday 30 March Mass (no Mass on Friday) starting with the Procession of Palms at 7:30am in the  Library Courtyard 


Good News for the 5th Sunday of Lent

John 11:1-45


The Gospel for this Sunday is John’s account of the raising Jesus’ friend, Lazarus. In his reflection, the late Adrian Lyons, much loved Jesuit priest and retreat director, challenges listeners to imagine themselves as Lazarus hearing the words of Jesus: ‘Unbind this person, let them go free.’ 


Fr Lyons says:


It is a critical moment… you are being invited to consider whether you are ready to live your life with a new kind of freedom. You ask yourself: ‘am I ready to let go of fear and live more bravely? Am I ready to be freed from my angers and resentments and forgive others as Jesus commands? Am I ready to take risks and do things I have dreamed of, but never got around to doing? Am I free to revisit relationships that went sour, in the hope that healing or reconciliation might be possible? In short, am I ready enough to enjoy the adult freedom that Jesus offers me?
…The story of Lazarus shows Jesus’ willingness, right now, to unbind us and set us free. If we are ready for it. To be freed from all that holds us back is at once a wonderful and inviting prospect and one that we might not yet feel ready for. Let us pray to the Easter Jesus to prepare us to accept the new life he offers and all the freedom that goes with it.



Adrian Lyons SJ, Sunday Soundings. (2013) Mosaic Press, Preston, Vic., pages 20-21.

Artist: Tricia Walsh, Graphics and Prayers for Feast and Seasons. Garratt. O/P. Used with permission.

Way of the Cross

Many have commented on the beautiful wooden crosses placed around the College campus. They form the Way of the Cross, an ancient Lenten form of prayer. Walking and pilgrimage are part of our Christian and Judaic heritage – and walking the Way of the Cross at the College is a mini pilgrimage into beautiful little places in the College grounds. 


Each cross is numbered – there are 14 altogether – however, people are free to choose just a few, or even just one for their own personal reflection. There is no ‘correct way’ and people are free to reflect with the crosses in whatever way feels comfortable for them. 


If people would like a more structured walk there are booklets (with map) available in the Chapel.The booklets are also accessible via the links below. There is a longer walk, with 14 stations stretching from the Library to E Block, and there is a shorter walk, with 7 stations, located around the Chapel precinct.


The Way of the Cross reminds Christians of the last hours in the life of Jesus and of the great love that God has for humans and for all of Creation by entering into their world and journeying in their human experiences, including pain, suffering and death.

Do you have a child in Year 3, 4 or 6?

It is a special year for these students as they look forward to celebrating the sacraments in their parish with their family. 


It is the parent’s right and responsibility to enrol their child in a parish sacrament program, and you are encouraged to get this done at the earliest. Even children preparing for sacraments in a Catholic school still need to be enrolled in the parish if they intend to participate.


Please be mindful that, due to numbers, some parishes (eg Saint Thomas, Claremont) will not be able to accept enrolments from families living outside the parish geographical boundary. Parish sacrament programs may vary, but usually include a workshop and commitment Mass as well as attending the rehearsal.


Please see the College website for enrolment information received from City Beach, Claremont, Doubleview and Subiaco parishes.


The sacrament program is family-focused, parish-based, Catholic school-supported. This means that parents are respected as first educators in the faith of their children and celebrate the sacraments in their parish with their children. 


The family is supported by the College Religious Education program. In Year 3, students are taught the content for First Reconciliation; in Year 4, the content for First Holy Communion and in Year 6, the content for Confirmation. 


If you would like further information about the Sacrament Program, please contact: