From the Principal

As a parent of four, I share a deep sense of the opportunity we have, as parents, to experience unconditional love, growth and fulfillment, while shaping the future of a new generation. However, I also acknowledge that the learning in the Negus household has been a two-way experience; and these days, I often feel that I am learning more from my ‘children’ than they are from me. It is indeed a privilege to guide a child through life's challenges and joys, while also learning and growing alongside them.


Jesuits have identified ‘journeying with youth’ as one of four areas vital for the world today. They speak of the importance of accompanying young people in the creation of a hope-filled future.

Young people have so many possibilities in this digital age which unites them as never before. We want to walk with them, discerning these possibilities and finding God in the depths of reality. 


On 13 March, Pope Francis celebrated the tenth anniversary of his election as Pope. His election as the first Jesuit Pope had particular significance for our College. Pope Francis’ papacy has been marked by an emphasis on journeying together. On the 50th World Communication Day in 2016, he spoke of the importance of listening:

Listening is much more than simply hearing. Hearing is about receiving information, while listening is about communication, and calls for closeness. Listening allows us to get things right, and not simply to be passive onlookers, users or consumers. Listening also means being able to share questions and doubts, to journey side by side, to banish all claims to absolute power and to put our abilities and gifts at the service of the common good.


The Pope’s statement has valuable messages for staff, students and parents as we embark on the first round of parent-teacher (and in Secondary, student) interviews for 2023. It is an honour for teachers to partner with parents in the formation of their children. The meetings that will be conducted over the next week are invaluable in consolidating this partnership. Thank you in advance to parents, students and staff for the time and good will you will commit to the process. The meetings are an opportunity to journey side by side, to be active participants in the education of our students, to learn from each other, to instil a sense of hope and to provide opportunities for growth for all involved.

It was a treat to listen to Primary Singers at this morning’s assembly.
It was a treat to listen to Primary Singers at this morning’s assembly.


Together let us seek justice.


Kathleen Negus







John XXIII College Bursary 2024

John XXIII College has a strong and proud tradition of providing education to students who otherwise couldn’t attend the College. Thanks to the generosity of the John XXIII community, the Foundation is offering a Bursary to commence in 2024 for a student in Year 7 or above.  The Bursary will cover the student’s standard fees and charges for the duration of their schooling at John XXIII College.  


The Bursary is available to current and future families. Applications close 3pm Friday 28 April 2023. Please contact Kate Murphy for further information on 0403 345 662 or 


Applications and more information are available at


To gift the gift of education by donating to the Bursary Fund go to


The College Fees and Charges for 2023 are available here.