Supporting Families, Supporting Children

  Providing a loving and safe environment for all children takes care and thought.  As a community, we ask families to support our learning community with the following areas:


Bag Tags

Some of our children are still needing a name tag attached to the top of the bags please.  A tag with your child's name is needed to support children in locating and taking home their bag at the end of day please.

Drink Bottles



Please send your child's drink bottle to Curiosity FULL of clean water each day.  Over the past few weeks, staff have been cleaning and filling up empty water bottles that are coming to Curiosity.



Green Exit Door Button

This button is only to be pushed by adults please.  Being that our main door faces a very busy road, to mitigate risk of children leaving it is important that they are knowing that this Green Exit Door Button is for adult's only.  Even if siblings are able to reach the button we ask that they do not.  Not having an adult to supervise who is leaving with the right adult is extremely important.  We ask that you share this with your children.  Siblings may need to wait outside Curiosity and wait for parents if safe behaviour is not exhibited.  Thank you.


External Gate

Our external gate, often needs to be adjusted due to children 'riding' it on their way in or out.  We ask that children assist adults with pushing it open or closing instead.


Arrival Times and Signing In

Our Educational Program commences at 8:30am, so we do ask families to ensure they are onsite by 9am so that children can join their teams for their morning Together Time.  This time is important for settling children into their days as they talk through the plans for exploration and inquiry play, events being held during the day and connect with their peers.  Arriving late removes the opportunity for children to regulate and prepare for this time so we do ask families to be mindful of our 8:30am start please.  Families who do arrive late are asked to settle their child in to their day's as our staff are working within their allocated teams.  

Afternoon Collection Times

Our Afternoon Program is at capacity and has limited casual positions available til 4:30pm. 


If a casual booking is accepted, there is an expectancy that collection is at 4:30pm please.


Curiosity's primary focus is to offer an Educational program for children with the convenience of before and after care for families who are working.  By 5pm many children are tired and ready to go home.  Families might like to consider collecting their child earlier if not working to begin settling into evening practices such as regulated play with family, dinner, bath time, stories and bed.


I thank you for your support in these areas.

