Sharing the Truth of Easter with Children

I am extremely guilty of being one of those people who purchase Hot Cross buns as soon as they hit the supermarket shelves.  It was on Boxing Day in Melbourne last year that I bought my first packet, much to the disgust of my extended family - whom were more than happy the following morning to partake in eating them with me I might add!


What I love more than Hot Cross buns, is the reason behind why we have them.  It is because they represent something significant about a relationship with Jesus Christ and the hope found when we have a relationship with Him.  


Everyday at Curiosity, I am reminded of when I came to believe in Jesus and felt a change in my heart.  This is because Curiosity was originally built as a church and it was in this church building that I made the decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ and was baptised in what is now the light floor in the Blue Team room.  Fun little fact about me!


Each year, I have parents contact me about the relevance of the Easter Story and how their child is responding to hearing about the truth of what happened in this part of history.


Some children can feel deeply about Jesus, whom we talk about and love.  When we introduce the concept dying and then coming back to life we know that this can present with some abstract concepts that need delicate presentation and conversation that is age appropriate.  


As much as fictitious characters in movies, games and stories depict death and super powers that bring them back to life, it can feel very different when we talk about someone who holds such a precious place in our lives.  


Easter is the most important time of year for Christians to reflect upon the significance of how Jesus' death and resurrection provides grace and hope for a new future and life eternal.  Being an ELC that holds tight to the convictions and belief's of the Christian faith, it is important that we guide the children sensitively during this time.


Our Green Team have commenced the investigation of the Easter Story, by exploring the part in the Bible where Jesus is welcomed into the town of Jerusalem.  This part of the story is known as Palm Sunday, which we will celebrate on April 2 and marks the beginning of Holy Week.  This year the ELC will be joining with Big School to explore the leading up to Jesus' triumphal resurrection.  There will be other significant parts of the story that we share in through song, story, drama, play, cooking and the arts.  These include:

  • Jesus spending time with his friends in the Upper Room.
  • The washing of Jesus friends feet and why he did that.  
  • Jesus spending time in a special garden to talk to God.
  • Jesus being told he had done something wrong even when he had not.
  • Jesus was hurt and he died, but he came back to life again.  (Please know that we do not talk about how Jesus died other than he was put on a cross.  There is no mention of nails or spears)
  • Jesus made a way for us to be his friend forever.  Nothing can separate us from God's love.  

Here is a little video of the first part of the Easter Story that we will being exploring with each learning community next week.  There is also a new song!


Focus on the Family Australia, is a great website that you can access if you want to explore more about the truth of Easter and it's significance.  It may even support you in conversations with your child if they come home with some 'curly' questions.  


Please feel free to contact me if I can support you through this season.


We would love you to join us on Wednesday April 5th for Worship at Big School if you have time and to then join us for morning tea back at the ELC.


Blessings to you as we prepare for this precious time of year.
