
Student Leaders

We are proud to announce our student Sustainability Leaders for 2023!


They have already met and begun planning and implementing sustainability initiatives, like setting up the organics bin system this week.


 The new Sustainability Leaders have even developed a mission statement to share which will guide their efforts this year: Our purpose is to make the school more sustainable by leaving a greener footprint.


Please see below our fantastic new Sustainability Leaders. 


Danah - 6B
Danah - 6B
Nana - 6B
Nana - 6B
Ciana - 5A
Ciana - 5A
Abigail - 5A
Abigail - 5A
Asher - 4B
Asher - 4B
Amber - 4B
Amber - 4B
Tyler - 4B
Tyler - 4B
Eashwa - 4A
Eashwa - 4A
Zayn - 4C
Zayn - 4C
Mariana - 4C
Mariana - 4C











Organics Bins

Students were very excited this week to have the organics bins in classes, ready to turn any food waste into compost! 


Our student Sustainability Leaders are excited to continue their efforts in Term 2.