Specialists Updates and Celebrations

Messages from our Specialist team (P.E., Art, Music and Digital Technologies) and Library...



Songs and Games from Richard Gill (Australian Conductor) 

- A heavy focus on singing with pitch.

- Developing a sense of beat and rhythm.

- Exploring other elements of music such as tempo and volume.


Marimba Songs

- Individual and class pieces.

- Composing short patterns.


Un-tuned Percussion Work

- Bucket Drums Rhythms

- Rhythm Sticks Songs

Year 1 and 2

Songs and Games from Richard Gill (Australian Conductor) 

- A heavy focus on singing with pitch.

- Developing a sense of beat and rhythm.

- Exploring other elements of music such as tempo and volume.


Marimba Songs

- Individual and class pieces.

- Composing short patterns.


Rock Music

- History, important songs and artists

- Rock pieces on instruments including Bucket Drums and Auxiliary Percussion.

Years 3 and 4

For Those About to Rock

- History, important songs and artists.

- Analyzing of the music elements and characteristics of sub-genres of Rock.

- Learning and playing Rock Music on guitar, marimba and bucket drums.


Marimba Songs

- Individual and class pieces.

-Composing music in small groups.



- Learning pieces with chords and melodies.

Years 5 and 6

For Those About to Rock

- History, important songs and artists.

- Analyzing of the music elements and characteristics of sub-genres of Rock.

- Learning and playing Rock Music on guitar, marimba and bucket drums.

- Composing in the genre of Rock.


Marimba Songs

- Individual and class pieces.



- Learning pieces with chords and melodies.

- Composing short pieces.

Physical Education

Prep - Year 2

Fundamental Motor Skills 

- Throwing

- Catching

- Kicking


Developing teamwork skills.

Years 3 - 6 

Focus sports:

- Aussie Rules Footy

- Basketball

- Soccer 


Teamwork, communication and sportsmanship will be embedded throughout.

Visual Arts

For Term 2, students will cover two focus areas:


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art (All students). 

Each year level will have different lessons adapted to the appropriate curriculum. The topics we will cover across the school include:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art History
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art forms and styles
  • Famous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and their works

2. Digital Art (Grade 1-6). 

Each year level will have different lessons adapted to the appropriate curriculum.

The topics we will cover across the school include:

  • Learning about and using various Digital Art apps
  • Using iPads or laptops to make artworks

2. Threads and Textiles (Preps).

The topics that we will cover include:

  • Fabric collage
  • Activities using wool
  • Painting on fabric

Digital Technologies

Prep - Year 2

- Basic iPad and app skills focusing on audiovisual recording 

- Identifying the functions of technology in the community

- Exploring hardware and software features of technology

- Sequencing of events and instructions

- Design & program a robot using recycled materials

- Continue learning about cybersafety with a focus on internet usage

Years 3 and 4

- Identify internal hardware components of technology

- Explore input, output and storage peripheral devices e.g. keyboards, monitors

- Design, build and program a robot to solve a problem

- Collaborate in groups and implement peer feedback to improve their robot

- Continue cybersafety with a focus on digital citizenship and ethical dilemnas

Years 5 and 6

- Identify internal hardware components of technology

- Understand the importance of binary numbers (0,1) in the function of technology

- Demonstrate that binary numbers represent data

- Design, build and program a robot using Vex Go

- Collaborate in groups and implement peer feedback to improve their robot

- Continue cybersafety with a focus on digital citizenship and ethical dilemnas