Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...

Whole School

There is a lot to look forward to in Term 2! Have a read of your child's year level section below to see any events and excursions occurring in Term 2.


What Are We Learning?

Usually in the first newsletter of each term, year levels share an overview of what they will be learning. We have had requests for this information to be available throughout the term, rather than just at the beginning. Therefore, we have placed a termly overview for each year level on Compass.


These can be accessed in 2 ways:

  1. A News Feed - visible for the next week
  2. On your child's class page - visible for the term (accessible by clicking on their class in the 'Schedule')


To support families, we have tried to ensure that as many events as possible for the whole year are on Compass at the same time, so that families can provide consent for each event in one go. All events that involve travel off the school site require parent permission. To do this, simply log in to your Compass browser and select the event notification banner on your homepage.


Dates to Look Forward to:

  • Thursday 18th May: Collingwood Children's Farm. Please see Compass


Home Learning Practise 

As we approach the start of Term 2, it is important that students are working hard at home to practise their foundation skills of Reading each night. With high frequency words and phonics videos on Seesaw to support students at home, we strongly recommend watching these videos before completing reading with your child. We cannot wait to see our wonderful readers return to the classroom! 

Year 1

Dates to Look Forward to:

  •  Tuesday 23rd May: Dream City In-Visit


We encourage students to get back into their well-established routines of homework in Week 1. A resource containing high frequency words, phonics sounds, and nonsense words has been shared with all students on Seesaw and email. We encourage families to support students at home with practise of these words and sounds.



This term we are kindly asking for small boxes e.g. shoeboxes for our Humanities Unit. We would really appreciate if your child could bring in 1 small box by the end of Week 2. This will be used for a creative project that will be sent home at the end of the term. 


The Year 1 Team look forward to seeing our students back in the class. We greatly appreciate all the support and are excited to continue working with you all again this term. 

Year 2

Dates to Look Forward to:

  • Monday 8th May: Minibeasts In-Visit



Our Year 2 students demonstrated a strong homework routine in Term 1, completing their 1 lesson of Mathseeds and 4 nights of reading each week. We are hoping they can continue this into Term 2 with your ongoing support. Please note that Sunday is the start of a new week when completing Mathseeds and your child can write their book title, number of pages and total minutes themselves for you to sign in their diaries. 



In Term 3, our Year 2 students are going on an excursion called TwistedEd Science which 65% of the cohort have already given consent for. If you have not already, the event is on Compass for you to view. It would be greatly appreciated if consent could be given for 100% of the cohort in Term 2, ready for the upcoming excursion. Thank you for your support with this. 



For our Term 2 Humanities Unit, we are seeking small boxes e.g. shoeboxes. It would be greatly appreciated if your child could bring in 1 small box by the end of Week 2. This will be used for a creative project that will be sent home at the end of the term. 

Year 3

Dates to Look Forward to:

  • Wednesday 24th May: Reptile Encounters In-Visit
  • Tuesday 13th June - Monday 19th June: Year 3 swimming at MSAC



Students have shown great determination in Term 1 to not only complete their Mathletics homework by earning over 200 points but also in achieving certificates for earning 1000 points.


Across Year 3, students have achieved: 

  • 274 bronze certificates: Bronze certificates are earned each week when a child earns 1000 points
  • 35 silver certificates: Silver certificates are earned when a child receives 5x bronze certificates (5 weeks of 1000 points).

This is a tremendous effort in just one term! We are excited to see students positivity towards homework and drive to succeed continue next term. 


Homework Diaries

Homework diaries will be checked by your child's teacher every day to support them in setting up positive homework habits. Please support your child by reminding them to bring their diary to school each day.

Year 4

Dates to Look Forward to:

  •  Wednesday 10th May: Animals on the Move In-Visit
  • Monday 5th June - Friday 9th June: Year 4-6 swimming at MSAC



The Year 4 students worked tremendously hard in Term 1 to complete their homework each week. We thank you for your support. Please see below for further details on homework in Term 2.



Please continue to ensure your child is reading a book within their reading level for 30 minutes each night. You can support the development of their comprehension skills by engaging with your child after they have read and asking them questions about the text, having them retell parts of a text or asking them about their favourite part of what they read and why. Furthermore, you may like to have your child read aloud to you on occasion to further develop their fluency and expression.



Students are required to complete between 200-1000 points on Mathletics each week by completing the activities assigned by their teacher. The assigned activities will relate to the concepts being taught in Maths at school and are important in consolidating the skills that students have been learning. We encourage students to complete their Mathletics homework early in the week so that any misconceptions can be addressed prior to Friday.

Year 5

Dates to Look Forward to:

  • Thursday 25th May: Melbourne Zoo Excursion 
  • Monday 5th June - Friday 9th June: Year 4-6 swimming at MSAC



Homework will continue in Term 2. Students will be required to complete 30 minutes of reading each night within their zone of proximal development. They will be set Mathletics tasks which will reinforce their maths lessons from school. Please remind your child to earn 200-1000 points. 

Year 6

Dates to Look Forward to:

  • Thursday 26th April: High School Transition Packs Available
  • Monday 5th June - Friday 9th June: Year 4-6 swimming at MSAC

We hope you all had a safe and rested break; we look forward to welcoming you all for a happy and successful Term 2.




Completing Mathletics tasks every week will continue to be required in Term 2. Please remind your child to earn 200-1000 points. Students will be expected to complete 30 minutes of reading each night. Please sign the diaries so the children can discuss their progress with their teachers. If any issues occur, please inform us with a note in their homework diaries.


Thank you in advance for your support.