Principal's Message

Our children are our future...

Principal's Message

Welcome back to Term 2. I hope all families are healthy and happy. If not, I hope things are improving and there is a light at the end of any tunnel that represents a struggle. We all struggle sometimes and need support. I hope anyone who needs help is receiving it with good grace.


Students return to classes on Wednesday, April 26 at 9:00am. Please remember that we have a Professional Practice Day on Monday and no classes will run. Book into OSHClub online should you require child care for that day as no staff from SMPS will be available. 


I want to recognise ANZAC Day and service-people both past and present for preserving our Australian way of life. We are a diverse country built on the efforts and sacrifices of those who have gone before us and we recognise their legacy at this time of the year. I hope the ANZAC Day public holiday gives everyone the chance to reflect and be grateful for others and their sacrifice.


I want to recognise the end of Ramadan and the celebration of Eid Ed Fitr for those families who celebrate this important event. Best wishes to you all. 


This iNewsletter contains details of key dates and key reminders for each year level so it will be important to note them as you read through the pages. 


I am extremely positive and enthusiastic about Term 2. As always, I can't wait to see the children's faces as they walk through the gates on Wednesday. We have the best kids in the universe and our families are such wonderful souls. I am extremely grateful to have the best job in the world at SMPS with the best kids, staff and community. 

Friday Afternoon Assemblies/Events

The last hour on Fridays are used to promote school culture and team building exercises for students and staff. Our Whole School Assemblies are designed to reinforce our values of Character, Community and Learning and celebrate the fact that we are a large team of diverse people brought together as a school. Our House Assemblies recognise the fact that we are in cross-age teams and promote friendly competition amongst supportive friends. Our Passion Projects bring our classes and year groups together to recognise that we belong to a year-based sub-group within the school. All three sessions are significant for similar (but slightly different) cultural reasons. 


Find below some parameters should families be wondering if they can attend Friday afternoon events:

  • Families are very welcome to attend Whole School Assemblies
  • Families are not able to attend House Assemblies or Passion Projects as their structure is entirely different. These activities are often completed in various locations around the school, so an audience would be inappropriate
  • At this stage, the Whole School Assemblies are scheduled on the following dates:
    • May 5 (starting at approximately 2:40pm)
    • June 2 (starting at approximately 2:40pm)
    • June 23 (Rockstar Day starting earlier in the day - details to follow)

NAIDOC Week Recognition (2-9 July)

NAIDOC Week occurs annually in July, and celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians all over the country and overseas. This history dates back thousands of generations. As a school, we want to flag the week and want families to know that we have embedded these studies into our curriculum in a meaningful and ongoing way. As NAIDOC Week occurs over the school holiday period, we will be recognising it at a separate time towards the end of Term 2. We will share more information closer to the date.

Chess Team

Some wonderful students from SMPS represented the school in the recent Interschool Chess Tournament held at St Paul's Primary School Bentleigh.  In total, 110 students from many different schools participated in the tournament. Our students showed great character and behaviour and tried really hard with all games played.


There was a total of 7 rounds played and, in the end,  based on the overall score SMPS placed 4th overall which was a fantastic achievement. Here is a happy snap of the wonderful team below. We are extremely proud of the effort our students put into their endeavours.