Year 5 News
What a fortnight. So many things achieved in such a little timeframe.
The students have truly settled into Year 5 and the teachers are extremely proud of each and every one of them. Below is just a snapshot of all the achievements in Year 5 so far.
Risk-Taking Year 5s
The Year 5 teachers were delighted with the amount of risk takers that applied for the position of Student Agency Team (SAT). The standard of speeches impressed the teachers, with the speeches planned and rehearsed to a high degree. Last Friday, as a year level assembly, we awarded over 30 students with PYP learner profile attribute certificates for their efforts.
It has been a busy few weeks in the math department. We have revisited place value and exploring numbers smaller than one, such as tenths, hundredths and thousandths. As well as looking into highest common factors and multiples to help lead into our multiplication and division lessons.
We have delved straight into our literacy program with persuasive at the forefront. The students have been working hard, consolidating their knowledge on the structure of a persuasive piece of writing. We have discussed the importance of persuasive techniques including emotive language, call to actions and rhetorical questions.
We have begun our year with the Unit of Inquiry 'Who We Are' with our central idea being 'Different Perspectives Influence the Way We Treat Each Other'.
We have explored the importance a respectful relationship, how our opinions and beliefs influence our interactions with others and the positives and negatives of stereotypes and discrimination.
Well done to all Year 5s for a successful first half of the term.