Year 4 News
Swimming Carnival
Our first swimming carnival was a success with a number of students making it through to the district competition where BNPS were super successful and won overall! Well done to all of our year 4 students that were all risk takers and swam to participate and contribute to their house points. Congratulations to those who went onto MSAC for the first time and influenced the overall winning result!
During “How the World Works” we have been reading in more detail about the states of matter. Students have been recording facts and learning to understand what they are reading. We have been writing recounts and also learning to find and develop ideas using quick write strategies in our Writer’s Notebooks.
Maths has seen year 4’s working on addition during our number sessions where we’ve been looking at different strategies to solve mental addition. We have also been learning to use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths.
On Friday last week walking by the horseshoe, you may have seen the students madly flipping bottles – but not for fun, for serious investigation! We were hypothesizing how many millilitres it would take to successfully flip a bottle while making it a fair test.
Students have been sharing their understanding of the changing states of matter. They made jelly for homework and observed and reported on the changes.
In a hand- on classroom activity students completed a gallery walk around the classroom and observed and recorded the properties of items, how they are used and whether or not they can change state.
In the Science room with Mrs Graham, they have been making oobleck and noticing how it wasn’t really classified as either a solid or a liquid. Students learnt how it was in fact a non-Newtonian fluid and has properties of both.