Year 3 News
Science Report
In science we have been learning about how plants eat the sun. Photosynthesis helps us ‘eat the sun’, plants need water and sun and soil to grow. We also looked at some plants and drew them and then labelled the drawings. During week three, year 3 got to choose a plant that was the most interesting and most detailed.
We planted seeds in a plastic cup with sand. We then watered our plants and put them in our year three classrooms. Guess what! They sprouted into a root and so now we that they are growing, and we can watch as they get bigger each day. We recorded the plants on how much they have sprouted on a sheet.
We also have learnt how plants go from seeds to leaves then flowers and finally plants. In week one we had a look at a lifecycle about a frog. We got to look at the frog in the cage, Mrs Graham put a cricket in the cage and the frog ate the cricket. I hope you enjoyed todays report. Thank you.
Written by Aiden M and Max R
Year 3 Assembly
We have a Year 3 assembly every second Monday. We all gather in the room next to 3C to talk about all the things that happen in year 3!
The teachers give out special awards for any student who reads for 20 days in a row. This is called the Rockstar certificate. The students got to wear a funny hat and a photo taken for the newsletter.
Three new students got called up to receive a open mined certificate because they came to a new school this school. These new students are Maxon Ellie and Alex and have done a wonderful job of fitting in with the rest of the kids.
Written by Betty T
Year Three Survey
We have interviewed some students to find out what they love about Year 3 so far…
Cormac E 3A: I really enjoy science because I love to explore the world of interesting plants.
James R 3A: I really liked when a woman came into the school to teach us about hockey!
Betty T 3C: I really love putting my own private password in the computers and using OneNote.
Emilia P 3C: I really enjoy how much read to self we get to do!
Izzie D 3A: I love making clay sculptures and coming up with creative ideas.
Janine [teacher assistant]: I love seeing all the students happy faces on the first day back at school.
The survey was very successful, and we had lots of fun doing it!
Everyone had interesting, creative and amazing answers!!
Written by Evelyn F and Rosie C.
Sport Report
In sport, the Year 3’s have been playing a game called kickball. It’s a really fun game. It’s a bit like rounders but you kick a soft ball instead of hitting a tennis ball with a bat. After you kick the ball, you have to run around the bases, but if you get hit on the legs with the ball you are out!
We divided into house groups and had a practice round in our own house teams. Then we had a real game against another house. This week we had Morey verse McDonald and Wood Verse Reserve. If you hit the ball onto the side, it’s a Foul ball. If that happens two times in row you are out! Also, if you kick the ball high enough and someone catches it you are also OUT!
Written by James R and Cormac E