Year 1 News
Unit of Inquiry
Our new Unit of Inquiry (UOI) kicked off last week. The Year 1 students are now exploring how 'the weather affects our lives and environment'. As part of the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the students ponder and create wonderings at the start of each UOI.
The students explored what makes a good question and the differences between a statement and a question. The students' wonderings help to form the basis of what is covered in our UOI's.
Our current Unit of Inquiry is all about the weather. Lily drew two contrasting pictures of the weather to show her teachers. It was great to see Lily take action at home.
The Year One students have shown much enthusiasm as they commenced their weekly handwriting lessons in recent weeks.
Our structured lessons include learning one letter per week, initially from the ‘A Family’, using the Victorian Modern Cursive Script. The 'A Family' consists of the lower case letters of the alphabet that are written in an anticlockwise direction.
The children have also been learning to understand the importance of writing within the dotted thirds and how the thirds help to guide correct letter placement and formation. Ask your child to talk to you about “floaters” and “sinkers” in their handwriting.
Each week the children partake in finger exercises. These exercises aim to improve both finger strength and fine motor skills.
The students have practiced writing anti-clockwise patterns and letters, by using their fingers in the air, tracing patterns on the interactive whiteboard and then practicing the patterns and focus letter on their personal whiteboards.
Once back at their tables, the children use their Handwriting Books to complete the lower- and upper-case pages of their ‘focus letter’. There is a strong emphasis on encouraging correct sitting posture, arm position and pencil grip at this time.
Last week the Year Ones were so excited to begin Science Lessons with Mrs Graham in the Science Room. The Year Ones discovered how clouds are formed and completed a cloud in a bottle experiment.
This week they explored the water cycle. Students looked at water puddles, placing a chalk outline around the puddle examining how it changed in the sun and shade. They also learned all about evaporation, condensation, precipitation and how these occur.
We had so much fun learning about Mrs Wish-Washy in the treehouse this week.