Prep News

Art & Assembly

The Preps shared their amazing artwork at  Assembly on Monday.

Zones of Regulation

For the last two weeks, we have been introducing the Preps to the Zones of Regulation. The Zones of Regulation is a framework which helps to teach children about their emotions and to further develop their self-regulation skills. 


The Prep students can now recognise when they are in the Blue Zone (feeling sad, tired, bored or sick); the ideal Green Zone (feeling happy, calm, focused and ready to learn); the Yellow Zone (feeling worried, frustrated, silly, excited); or the Red Zone (feeling angry, mad or panicked). 


Prep B



Prep B



The Prep children have participated in activities and discussions designed to help them recognise when they are in each of the different Zones, as well as to give them strategies to help them change or stay in the Zone they are in.


We thank Mrs Duffy-Fainu'u (Disability and Inclusion Leader) for providing us with some fantastic resources to share with the Preps.


Number Work

This week, the Preps began Maths rotations as a means of engaging students and consolidating prior learning. Maths rotations give the students some time each week to explore numeracy through hands on activities.

The Preps all thoroughly enjoyed making numbers out of playdough, ordering playing cards from 0-12, rolling dice, identifying different ways numbers can be represented and practicing writing numbers 1-10. They all did a wonderful job and especially enjoyed working cooperatively during pair work.


Prep B

Prep C


Over the past three weeks our Prep students have enjoyed taking part in the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP).


Based at school, the PMP is a movement-based program which helps younger students improve their eye/hand and eye/foot coordination, fitness, balance, locomotion and eye-tracking skills. The program uses a variety of equipment and focuses on engaging the students in fun, semi-intensive activities.


A big thankyou to the P.E. team for facilitating this important (and at times hectic) program and to all of our lovely parent helpers!