What is the IB Learner Profile?
The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a transdisciplinary curriculum framework that offers authentic learning experiences.
The PYP encourages students to learn to appreciate knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and personal attributes as a connected whole.
The IB Learner Profile represents 10 attributes that support our students becoming responsible members of our local, national and global communities.
You can support the learner profile attributes by understanding the ten attributes and using these words in conversations with your child.
The Year 6 Student Agency Team members interviewed some students last week who received Learner Profile awards.
Asha Year 4
What award did you get and why?
I was given the caring award for including someone.
How did it make you feel?
It was unexpected so I was shocked.
What does it mean to you?
Caring means making sure other people are okay.
Ellie Year 3
What award did you get and why?
I was given an award for being ‘open-minded’.
What does it mean to you?
Open-minded means listening to others. I have made lots of friends at my new school by listening to people and learning what they like.
Alex Year 3
What award did you get and why?
I was given an award for being ‘open-minded’.
What does it mean to you?
open minded means listening to other opinions. I have listened to people to learn about my new school.
How did it make you feel?
I felt really happy when I was given this.
Maxon Year 3
What award did you get and why?
I was given 'open-minded' because I was new to the school and I was open-minded trying new things. It was our first assembly as a year level.
How did you feel?
I felt really happy when I was given it.
Will Year 4
What award did you get and why?
I was given an award for being a ‘risk taker’.
What does it mean to you?
I was given it because I completed a peaceful box from doing a peaceful kids course.
How did you feel?
I felt really happy and frozen when I got it.
Scarlett Year 4
What award did you get and why?
The award I got was the ‘Risk Taker ‘award. The reason I got it was because I always put my hand up even when I am not sure.
What does it mean to you.
To be a risk taker means to have a go when you are not sure and have a go even if you do not know the answer.
How did you feel?
I was a bit shocked because I thought someone else would get it, then my name got called out and I was shocked, but it made me proud.