School Council

The School Council met for the first time this year on 21 February. Our meeting was well attended but it was also an opportunity for the Principal to thank several of the current Council members for their contribution as it was their last meeting. This brings a great opportunity for new people to join the MGSC School Council and participate in the administration of the school.
At the February meeting we also approved a proposal which will see the teachers at MGSC have access to better computers. The standard issue State Government computers for teachers have specs which are inferior to the computers recommended for the students. The school’s decision to fund a better standard of computers for teachers will support quality teaching and learning for our children.
Other items for the School Council included the approval of the 2022-2025 School Strategic Plan which was the product of a massive amount of work during 2022 and sets measurable targets for the school to work towards during the next two years.
Bronwyn Weir
Council member