College Matters

Pedestrian safety
Supervised pedestrian crossing operate each school day 8am - 9am and 3pm - 4pm for the safe crossing of busy Balcombe Road. There are pedestrian lights at the Charman and Balcombe Road corner, also supervised before and after school. Our student community - students and parents - are asked to respect the work of the dedicated supervisers and use the crossings. Avoiding the supervised crossing is unsafe and a distraction that compromises the safety of the people doing the right thing.
Prepare your winter uniform
Now is the time to review your winter uniform needs. The winter uniform can be worn from 1st April. The second-hand uniform shop is well stocked with uniform items of all kinds and in all sizes.
2024 Year 7 enrolments
Application for Year 7 placement 2024 will be due in mid-May. To assist prospective families with their decision-making MGSC has regular College Tours (booking required) and an open night in the form of a 'Show and Tell' by our students on Monday 1 May (no booking required). A new opportunity is the 'A day in the life' program to experience high school for a day. Year 6 students can apply for this program running at the end of March (registration essential).
Current families have another student joining us in 2024 are invited to attend these events. If you know of other prospective families considering MGSC in 2024 please 'spread the word'. The college was unable to accommodate late enrolments for Year 7 2023 and families were disappointed. Applications received through the Department of Education placement process in May will receive an offer for the following year.
Carol Duggan
Hayley Dureau
Detta Gordon
Assistant Principals