
Mr Chris Graham
Assistant Principal (Secondary)
In Mind and Spirit
One of the stand-out features of Aitken is the fact that we acknowledge that life is more than just the skills that we learn in the traditional curriculum (i.e. Maths, Science, English, etc.) While I do not want to diminish learning in any way, it's important to put it into perspective. Our school's motto is, ‘in mind and spirit’. This acknowledges the traditional schooling (in mind), while the words ‘in spirit’ acknowledge that life has a spiritual dimension that isn’t always found in a traditional curriculum.
Acknowledging that according to the latest Census (2022), our surrounding community also places a high importance on the words ‘in spirit’. The picture below from an article in The Age from 2022 is an interactive map of Melbourne. The colours represent the number of people professing to be Christian in a local area. The darker the colour, the higher the percentage. As a reference, the white patch near the top left is the airport.
As ‘in spirit’ is part of our school's motto, the students have many opportunities to explore this within the school. The students participate in weekly Religious and Values Education (RVE) classes, during which students explore the meaning of the world and their lives. They also participate in weekly Chapel services, which again is a time to explore life’s bigger questions. This year we have also included Philosophy in the VCE curriculum. Earlier this week I was invited into the Philosophy class to discuss and debate the topic ‘the existence of God’. It was a fascinating discussion. To be honest, I was blown away with some of the wisdom of our students.
As a school community, we encourage this kind of learning and discussion to continue in the family home. It's important that at times families have these conversations, so that the dominant narrative online doesn’t become our only source of knowledge in these areas.
Ms Melissa D'Amico
Deputy Head Secondary (Middle School Culture)
Just a few words on our recent NAPLAN testing for our Year 7 and 9 students. I am proud to report that our students approached the tests with a positive attitude and demonstrated their hard work and dedication to their studies.
The NAPLAN tests provide valuable insights into our students' literacy and numeracy skills, and we are looking forward to reviewing the results to identify areas of strength and areas where additional support may be required.
A big thank you to our Year 7 and 9 students for their effort and hard work during the NAPLAN testing period. A special mention to teachers for their dedication and commitment to supporting our students throughout the testing process.
Year 8 Art Class
I am excited to share with you the latest news from our Visual Arts department here at Aitken College. Our Year 8 students have been diving into the world of art and exploring their creativity through a range of mediums, including ceramics.
In their ceramics unit, students have been learning about the properties of clay, techniques for shaping and firing, and how to create unique pieces of art using this versatile material. They have been challenged to think creatively and push the boundaries of what is possible with clay, resulting in some truly stunning pieces.
In addition to ceramics, Year 8 students have been exploring the concept of "home" as a theme in their artwork. Through various exercises, they have been encouraged to reflect on what home means to them and how it can be represented visually. This has led to some insightful and thought-provoking pieces, which we are proud to showcase.
We believe that art is a vital part of a well-rounded education. It encourages self-expression, fosters creativity, and helps students develop critical thinking skills. We are delighted to see our Year 8 students embrace the artistic process and produce such outstanding work.
We look forward to sharing more updates on our Visual Arts department's activities and achievements in the future. Thank you to Ms Christine De Luca for sharing the work of her students with all of us!
Mr Victor Salloum
Deputy Head of Secondary (Senior School Pathways)
Presentation Ball
We have started work with our Year 11 students on the Presentation Ball for 2023. The students have selected their preferred day for lessons, and we are in the process of partnering the students up. The excitement in the Brookhill area is extremely high as the students have conversations about what they will wear for this event. We look forward to working with the students next term on their lessons and to seeing them shine on the night of the Ball, on Saturday 26 August.
School Uniform
It is important that students are in correct school uniform. This includes black leather lace-up school shoes, not runners or sneakers. Further, students need to ensure their faces are clean-shaven when they come to school. Please ensure your children are in their current uniform and clean-shaven when coming to school. Your support with this is greatly appreciated.
Mr Dean Taylor
Deputy Head of Secondary (Senior School Culture)
Punctuality to Classes
Attending classes on time is crucial for academic success. When students arrive on time, they have the opportunity to prepare mentally for the upcoming lecture or discussion and avoid missing important information. Being punctual also demonstrates responsibility and respect for the teacher and fellow classmates, which can lead to positive relationships and a better learning environment. In addition, arriving on time sets a positive tone for the rest of the day and can help students develop good time management habits that will benefit them throughout their academic and professional careers.
Driving to School
Year 12 students with driver licences are reminded that they may drive to school and park in the Western Staff carpark. To gain permission to do so, students must obtain a Driving to School application form from the Senior School Office, complete this form and lodge a $50.00 deposit with the Accounts Office.
Mrs Jenny Lilley
Head of Faculty - Vocational Major
Interschool Sport Program
The Year 11 and 12 students, as part of their Vocational Major studies, have committed themselves to supporting the Interschool Sport program that runs every Friday. The students support the teachers and staff by helping to organise the students, keep accurate goal scoring and assist in anyway needed.