
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are coming up, on Thursday 30 March from 3:30 until 6pm and on Wednesday 5 April from 3:30 until 8pm.
The booking portal is open. Instructions on how to access the portal and how to make bookings was emailed to all parents on Monday this week. Bookings will remain open until 10pm on the evening before each of the interview dates.
Interviews will be held via Zoom. Links for each teacher’s meeting room and instructions for using Zoom for the interviews will be emailed to parents next Monday.
I encourage you to make appointment times with your child’s teachers; it’s a great opportunity to meet the teachers who have such an influence on your child, and for us all to make links between home and school to support your child’s learning and development.
By the time you are reading this, NAPLAN will be over for another year. Thank you to all students who participated. Students were overwhelmingly co-operative, and well-prepared with their devices, which I am pleased to say is a hallmark of our wonderful Aitken students.
NAPLAN results will be mailed home later in the year, once we receive them from the VCAA. Please make sure your mailing address is kept up to date on our school records so that the results are sent to the correct address when the time comes.
Ms Kerri Batch
Assistant Principal (Learning)