General Reminders

School Drop Off and Car Park
Please note that the school car park is for staff only. Parents and students (including learner drivers) are NOT permitted to drive onto school premises to drop off or pick up students. This increases the risk of an accident or a pedestrian being hit by a car. The school buses require clear access to enter and exit the carpark.
Where possible, please drop your child off a short walk distance from the school to help minimise the traffic around the school.
Out of respect to our neighbours, please refrain from parking across driveways and adhere to all street parking signs. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
Attendance Reminders
To report a student absence please phone 9803 5144 and press 1 before 9.00am.
It is a requirement of the Department of Education and Highvale Secondary College that all student absences are acknowledged by a parent/guardian. This means that the school must be notified of the reason for the absence in writing or by logging onto the Compass Portal. This procedure helps both parents and the school to provide for the safety of students.
Information regarding attendance is available through your Compass parent portal. The school should be contacted if it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days.
See Compass Guide on your Compass parent portal (2 head icon) for entering an attendance note.
Public Transport - Prepaid Buses
To support safer bus journeys and the rollout of all door boarding, cash transactions were permanently removed from myki-enabled buses from 13 July 2020. Parents and students please ensure that you travel with a valid ticket by using the following:
- Online at
- New PTV app
- Auto top up
- Myki Retailers
- Quick top up machines
- Myki machines
- Ticket offices including train stations and PTV Hubs
Prepaid boarding will help reduce travel time for passengers as well as increase the reliability of services and Public Transport Victoria is continuing to make improvements to help passengers' transition to this new model. More information is available at