Specialists Updates and Celebrations

Messages from our Specialist team (P.E., Art, Music and Digital Technologies) and Library...

Visual Arts

Our Preps spent time carefully choosing an artwork for the Art Show, then coming up with a name and a blurb for their chosen pieces. Over the past year, the Preps have not only improved their artistic skills but also reflected on their personal growth as young artists. As the Art Show drew nearer, the students were so excited to share their artworks with their families. Their first year at school and in the Art Room has been a journey filled with fun, creativity, and the joy of artistic expression. I was so proud to see their stunning creations at the Art Show. Once again, thank you to all the SMPS community for coming together on Thursday to celebrate our talented children.

Digital Technologies

This week in Years 1 and 2 the students have begun a new project using CodeSpark. Over the coming weeks, they will be working on designing and building their own platformer-style video game just like Super Mario! This week they have followed tutorials to learn to build blocks, resize obstacles and program enemies. The highlight has been watching the students build and test their levels, making tweaks and improvements along the way! In the final week, students will share their games with their peers and receive feedback like a real video game designer.


Our theme in the Years 3 and 4 Music Program this term is “Rhythms From Around the World”. Students have been looking at music from various cultures and learning signature rhythms on hand drums.


We have covered drum patterns from various parts of Africa, Cuba, Brazil, Trinidad, and Brazil.


We have also spent a lot of time working on our guitar playing skills this term. Students have added the A minor chord to their repertoire of chords. We have been working on a new song that includes four chords. The goal is to play the chords clearly and change between chords smoothly.

Physical Education

Over the last four weeks, Years 5 and 6 classes have joined forces to prepare for a thrilling frisbee tournament. Their collaborative spirit and dedicated practice sessions allowed them to seamlessly integrate as a team. Demonstrating effective communication and teamwork, they applied the Big 10, showcasing skills that extended beyond the frisbee field. As they competed against other schools, the unity of these students was palpable, resulting in a memorable and successful tournament performance that left a lasting impact on the school community. Well done to everyone involved!